PSD forced Ventura to clarify references to national agreements – Observer


The Social Democratic leadership demanded that André Ventura clarify the lack of any type of agreement between PSD and Chega at the national level. Last Friday, November 6, Ventura contacted Adão Silva, leader of the PSD parliamentary bench, to transmit a first version of the statement that Chega was going to send to the newsrooms to announce the agreement reached in the Azores. The first version of this document was returned by Adão Silva for Ventura to make it clear that there was no national understanding with the PSD. So it was.

These are not minorities. The Social Democrats have been accused, in particular by the PS, of hiding a national agreement with André Ventura. The leadership of the PSD, however, continues to deny the existence of any type of negotiation with André Ventura. The agreement reached in the Azores was the exclusive responsibility of José Manuel Bolieiro and those responsible for Chega in the region, repeated in São Caetano.

In the statement he sent to the newsrooms, Chega, in fact, never refers to any type of national understanding. He just says have guarantee that the PSD “will deliver to the Assembly of the Republic, even in this legislature, a draft constitutional revision that will include, not only the constant of its electoral program, but some aspects that are fundamental for us, having received guarantees of what it will include , among other aspects, the reduction in the number of deputies and the desire to carry out a profound reform in the justice system ”.

The phrase is enough ambiguous to be interpreted as confirmation that there were negotiations between the two parties. The PSD leadership, however, flatly denies this.

In addition, Rui Rio said and publicly repeated at different times that he would advance until the end of the year or the beginning of the next with a own proposal Constitutional revision that will include, precisely, the reduction of the number of deputies and the reform of the Justice.

André Ventura, for his part, approached the PSD regarding the synchronization and the terms of any constitutional review proposal: contrary to what it has always demanded, Chega dropped as a condition the requirement that the constitutional review process already activatedat the beginning of November; and he guaranteed that he would abdicate proposals such as the chemical castration of pedophiles, life imprisonment for crimes of murder and terrorism, the reduction of the IRS to a maximum of 30% of the income and the reform of the electoral system.

Shuffle and give again: if there was a national focus, it was from Chega to PSD and Not the other way, PSD source note. Something different happened in the Azores: there, the two parties agreed to propose reducing the number of regional deputies; create a Regional Office for the Fight against Corruption; reduce the extremely high level of dependency in the Region; and promote the deepening of the political autonomy of the Azores.
