PS rejected 200 candidate militants for being Roma?


There is not, it’s false. The news published in December 2017 by “Público”, along with other media, tells that two hundred people linked to the Cigana de Águeda Social Recreational and Cultural Association, in the Aveiro district, decided to subscribe to the PS in October 2017. Without embargo, the national headquarters of the PS pointed out flaws in the process and did not give a positive response to the candidates for militants.

At that time, an unidentified socialist source told “Público” that he was surprised by the obstacles established by the party, “leaving behind the fear that the PS ‘would do everything for’ prevent this group from electing delegates to the next Congress, in mid-2018 “, and that there were those who agreed and those who did not agree with the inclusion of the Roma community at the party

At that time, an unidentified socialist source told “Público” that he was surprised by the obstacles established by the party, “leaving behind the fear that the PS ‘would do everything for’ prevent this group from electing delegates to the next Congress, in mid-2018 “, and that there were those who agreed and those who did not agree with the inclusion of the Roma community at the party

Rafael Soares, the leader of the aforementioned Águeda association, said that “we don’t have an official answer, but we learned that the PS is putting barriers to enrollment. I do not understand why we are citizens with the same rights that all “.

Media attention to the case decreased and since then there has been no news reporting the outcome of the case.

The polygraph spoke with Rafael Soares himself, who now guarantees that has never been the target of discrimination by the PS and that “most of those 200 people they are already militantsFrom the party.

Rafael Soares admits that the impasse with the candidacies occurred due to bureaucratic and administrative mattersnamely “the addresses that were not correct, some had moved to another city, but it was nothing special. ” In other words, the ethnic issue was never a problem.

For Polígrafo, the official source of the PS repeats Rafael Soares’ argument: “The registration requests were far from meeting the criteria for a valid registration.”

For Polígrafo, the official source of the PS repeats Rafael Soares’ argument: “The registration requests were far from meeting the criteria for a valid registration.”

The PS also reports that it sent these requests to the Aveiro and Coimbra federations to obtain the missing information, and that “both federations tried to contact these people.” However, however, “all contact attempts were unsuccessful. In view of this, none of these registration forms were granted” during that period.

In conclusion, it is false that the PS, in 2017, rejected the candidacy for militants of a group of two hundred people because they are Roma. It is true that, at that time, the party did not respond quickly to possible militants, but the stagnation was due to inaccuracies and errors in the candidacies. Although it was not reported, the situation was resolved and today, most of these people are already members of the PS as militants.


Polygraphic evaluation:
