PS loses the absolute majority. Basta, PAN and IL are the new parties of the Azores Parliament – News


The PS won the regional legislatures today, reaching 39.13% (40,701 votes). With this result, the Socialists did not achieve their main objective: to renew the absolute majority with which they ruled in the region in the last 20 years.

To reach an absolute majority, the PS should have at least 29 of the 57 deputies of the Azores parliament.

The PSD, with 33.74% (35,091 votes), guaranteed 21 terms, two terms more than in the 2016 elections. The CDS-PP with 5.51% (5,734 votes), elected three deputies, in addition to one MP in coalition with PPM (with 115) votes.

The Bloco de Esquerda (BE) got two elected deputies, candidates from the São Miguel and Terceira circles.

The two chosen by BE are António Lima, 39, a teacher and party leader in the Azores, who stood in the regional elections as a candidate in the São Miguel Island constituency, and Alexandra Manes, 45, a specialized education assistant. , who was a candidate for the island of Terceira.

The PPM obtained 2.34% (2,431 votes) and elected a deputy, as well as another elected in coalition with the CDS-PP.

For its part, the People-Animals-Nature (PAN) party obtained today its first elected deputy in the regional legislatures of the Azores, through the compensation circle. The one chosen by the PAN is Pedro Neves, 41, a political advisor and party spokesman in the Azores, who stood in the regional elections as the head of the party list on the island of São Miguel and a candidate for the compensatory circle.

In addition to the PAN, the Regional Assembly of the Azores wins two other parties in its composition. Chega and Iniciativa Liberal (IL), which debuted in this suffrage in the region, managed to achieve their goal: elect at least one deputy.

The IL, with 1.93% (2,012 votes), managed to elect a deputy from the compensation circle. Chega, with 5.06% (5,260 votes), managed to elect two deputies, one for the São Miguel circle and the other for compensation.

At the premiere of the regional elections, in which IL had candidates in two of the 10 electoral districts, the party’s elected deputy was Nuno Barata, 54, port administrator, candidate for the electoral district of São Miguel Island and for The compensation.

The PCP / PEV coalition, which had elected a deputy four years ago, did not win any mandate, having obtained 1.68% (1,745 votes).

The Azores legislatures ran with 13 political forces that were candidates for the 57 seats of the Regional Legislative Assembly: PS, PSD, CDS-PP, BE, CDU, PPM, Liberal Initiative, Libre, PAN, Basta, Alianza, MPT and PCTP / MRPP. 228,999 voters registered to vote. In total, there are 10 electoral districts, one for each island in the Azores plus the compensation circle.

The abstention rate was 54.58%, the second highest in history, but lower than the abstention rate four years ago, according to official data.

In 2016, abstention in the autonomous elections of the Azores reached 59.16%, an absolute record in these votes, surpassing the 53.34% abstention of 2008, which was the highest value until then.
