PS Deputy says that Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa “preferred to attack the Government” – Jornal Económico


Socialist deputy Eduardo Barroco de Melo reacted on Twitter to the statements of the President of the Republic at the inauguration of the Porto Book Fair on Friday, writing on the social network that Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, “instead of clarifying, he preferred to attack to the Government When faced with criticism from a woman who asked why the Government “helps TAP and hotels” and not micro-entrepreneurs like her.

Eduardo Barroco de Melo went to the social network this Saturday to say that what bothered him the most “in Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa’s response at the Book Fair is that the conclusion he draws is incorrect and the President of the Republic pretended not do what. I knew “.

In the dialogue at the Porto Book Fair, broadcast on television, the woman accused the Head of State of doing nothing against what he said was the election of the Executive of António Costa for helping “TAP and hotels, instead of microentrepreneurs “, asking Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa why he allows this to happen and” don’t start these people who let us die. “

“Because the Portuguese voted for this government. Tell the Portuguese to vote for another. But the majority voted, what am I supposed to do? ”, Answered Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.

After the publication of Eduardo Barroco de Melo on Twitter, responding to a follower of his account, the socialist deputy elected by the Circle of Porto added that, as it is not the responsibility of the President of the Republic to explain the measures of the Executive, “neither is it lie to him and attack the Government ”.
