PS accuses the Regional Government of making “one-time and late” decisions in response to covid-19 – DNOTICIAS.PT


The measures announced by the Regional Government in the early hours of this Sunday afternoon confirm that the Government headed by Miguel Albuquerque has not had the capacity in recent weeks to respond in a timely, responsible and correct manner to the evolution of the covid-19 pandemic. 19 in the Region ”.

The statement is by Paulo Cafôfo, who thus reacts to the measures announced by the Regional Government after the meeting that took place, this Sunday (January 3), in Quinta Vigia, to discuss the situation of the covid-19 pandemic in Madeira .

In the opinion of the president of PS Madeira, “in the face of a reality that had been appearing for several days as worrisome and worthy of concrete and objective measures, the Regional Government preferred to ignore reality, to maintain an accusatory tone in the search for those responsible for the cases of Infection and continue the path of individual measures, without planning, always behind the events and never anticipating scenarios and solutions ”.

It was “only in view of the alerts issued by the mayors, with special emphasis on the position of responsibility assumed by the Mayor of Funchal, and the pressure of public opinion”, that “the regional government decided to meet hastily to take measures”, highlights the socialist. .

These measures, which, in his opinion, mean “a significant worsening of the measures and aggravate the economic and social impacts.”

PS Madeira also considers it “essential” that the Regional Government evaluate “the efficacy and rationality of the double test.”

The time has come to confirm that it is a discriminatory measure, launched by the Regional Government without taking into account the response capacity necessary to have practical applicability and that it is nothing more than an argument to hide the failure of the strategy and point out responsibilities to students and immigrants upon arrival in the Region “.

Cafôfo also leaves a splinter:

“The narrative of the exemplary management of the pandemic, greatly amplified by the Regional Government, has long since collapsed. The Christmas season was just the most recent example of the executive’s contradictions.”

PS Madeira also calls for “compliance with the new regulations announced today” and “to continue with the collective effort to protect the health of all”.
