PS accuses Bloco of “inventing at the last minute the need for a new budget” – Observer


The PS parliamentary leader scheduled a conference in the early afternoon to respond to Catarina Martins and accuse the blocker of “inventing” a new controversy. At stake is a moment of the interview with Rádio Observador in which the coordinator of the Left Bloc says that there is no need to enter a political crisis, or to govern in twelfths if the current government proposal fails in Parliament. Just “present another” Budget, the blocker suggested. “An irresponsibility”, attacked Ana Catarina Martins from Parliament.

In the midst of a new round of negotiations in São Bento, with the government, the left and the PAN trying to reach an agreement to make the EO viable, this is another moment of tension between the PS and the Left Bloc. Ana Catarina Mendes went so far as to accuse Catarina Martins of “inventing at the last minute the desire to find a new budget.”

It is unreal, impossible and we are surprised by the position of the coordinator of the Left Bloc. An irresponsibility ”.

This idea, said the president of the PS parliamentary bench, appears “as if the budget proposal was not the result of months and months of negotiation.” Ana Catarina Mendes also argued that, essentially, the Block’s claims are included in the Budget proposal.

“The first was the reinforced SNS, and it is. The second was to respond to all those who were left without social protection … and that was reflected in the Budget for 2021 “and as for the New Bank” it was defined that the Resolution Fund does not have public money, “he listed.” They are enshrined in the budget. “

Finally, Ana Catarina Mendes left an “appeal to the Bloco de Esquerda. We are in time to return to negotiations. From the moment the proposal is delivered, the specialty period exists and it is open to negotiations ”. And he welcomed that the partner has changed his position on a solution of the country ruled in twelfths, citing an interview by José Manuel Pureza to the Observer.

Questioned by journalists, the PS parliamentary leader also said that Finance Minister João Leão will be in Parliament next Thursday afternoon to present the Budget to the Socialist caucus.
