Promulgates Marcelo. Government authorized to create a regime for faster expropriations


This Saturday, the President of the Republic issued the diploma that authorizes the Government to approve a special regime applicable to the expropriation and the constitution of administrative easements, within the scope of the Economic and Social Stabilization Program (PEES).

“Since the The regime in question must have the emergency period of the Economic and Social Stabilization Program (PEES) and that the declaration of public utility [deve] be properly substantiated, to safeguard the rights, freedoms and guarantees of citizens, the President of the Republic today issued the Decree of the Assembly of the Republic that authorizes the Government to approve a special regime applicable to expropriation and the constitution of administrative easements “, You can read the note published on the website of the Presidency.

But the head of state leaves alerts, aiming to reinforce that “the promulgation of the authorized decree-law will imply respect for the period of the PEES and the safeguarding the adequate bases to declare public utility “.

The diploma that authorizes the Government to approve a special regime applicable to expropriation and the constitution of administrative easements was approved in Parliament on September 18 with the Favorable votes from PS, BE, PCP, PEV and Joacine Katar Moreira, votes against PSD, CDS-PP, PAN, Enough and Liberal Initiative and the abstention of the deputy Cristina Rodrigues.

In the statement of reasons for the diploma, the Government justifies the need to create a special regime applicable to expropriation and the establishment of administrative easements for a “faster” execution of the projects foreseen in the PEES, taking into account the economic impact and financial situation of the pandemic. of covid-19.
