Princess Latifa lives in a house controlled by her father, the ruler of Dubai


There are already videos showing that the daughter of the ruler of Dubai, Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, has been in prison for several months, kidnapped by her own family. It all happened after Princess Latifa Al Maktoum, then 32, tried to flee the United Arab Emirates in 2018.

The only door that can be locked is the bathroom and that was what earned her and allowed her to send videos, broadcast by the BBC, to her friends, saying that the Arab military drugged her while she was fleeing by boat and that they took her back to the “prison”. The princess fears for her life because she is completely alone, locked up and without access to medical help.

The videos of Latifa, who is now 35, reached the BBC through a campaign called #FreeLatifa that is orchestrated by her friend, Tiina Jauhiainen, her maternal cousin Marcus Essabri and activist David Haigh. The video, which contains the details shared by the princess, is available on YouTube.

Through established contact, the three protectors managed to realize that the hostage princess is trapped in a “villa” in Dubai covered with barred windows and guarded by the police.

Now the friends have never received a message from the princess and are calling for the UN to intervene, the BBC said.

According to official sources in Dubai and the United Arab Emirates, the daughter of one of the richest heads of state is safe and receives all the care of her family.

Former UN envoy Mary Robinson says that when she met Latifa in 2018, she was told she was a “troubled young woman.” Now she assumes that she was “terribly deceived” by the princess’s family.

The first time she tried to escape from her family and Dubai was 19 years ago, at just 16 years old, with the help of her French businessman and capoeira instructor Heuve Jaubert.
