President of the Republic infected


The top-level Portuguese domain on the Internet, .pt, saw the number of registrations grow by 22.9%, closing 2020 with another 96,000, a performance driven by the pandemic, according to a statement released today.

“.PT, responsible for managing the Portuguese top-level .pt domain, closed 2020 with a new record, when it registered 96,715 new registrations in .pt, 18,020 more than in 2019, which represents a growth of 22.9% and makes the last year the best of all, “he said, noting that” the reinforcement of the measures to combat the pandemic announced by the Government in October again contributed to the increase in the number of registrations, mainly in November, the second highest, with a total of 9,082 domains ”.

Before, in the first half of 2020, “there were almost 50 thousand new direct registrations in .pt, 10,423 more than in the same period, which corresponds to an increase of 26.35%,” the statement read. where it stands out that “the month of April was the one with the highest growth compared to the previous year – 67% -, as well as the highest number of new domains”.

According to the organization, summer, the time of year when the number of registrations tends to slow down, “maintained a growth trend this year, with the months of June, July, August and September accounting for more than 30 thousand new direct registrations, compared to to 23 thousand in 2019 ”.

The entity also pointed out that, adding the direct registrations to those made through the company at the time, the total annual value exceeds 130 thousand, 9,893 more than in 2019.

Luísa Ribeiro Lopes, president of the .PT Board of Directors, has highlighted, quoted in the same note, that “it is undeniable that the pandemic forced citizens, companies and organizations to reinvent themselves and that the internet was an important ally on this path.” .

“The restrictions imposed on normal economic and social activity have accelerated the digital transition process and this is naturally reflected in the evolution of the .pt domain registration,” he said.

“The need to have a presence on the internet must go hand in hand with the development of citizens’ digital skills,” he stressed, recalling that ‘online’ is increasingly present in daily life and that “it is necessary to bring these people closer to digital and we work on three fundamental aspects: training, security and trust ”.
