Precautionary measure against Avante alleges that Festa increases risk of contamination – Observer


The precautionary measure against the celebration of the Festa do Avante, on September 4, 5 and 6, is based on the defense of the right to health. This is what Carlos Valente’s lawyer explains, the businessman who this week filed the action that will be resolved by the Central Civil Court of Lisbon, guaranteeing, in a statement in response to questions from the Observer, that the measure does not have ” .any political purpose“. The businessman believes that maintaining the Party “would surely increase” contamination from the new coronavirus.

There is no political party motivation by the applicant, without any political activity or militancy. The defense of Fundamental Rights transcends the ideological matrix of parties “A”, “B” or “C”, the lawyer writes in a statement.

The clarification comes in response to “Defamatory and generally false expressions.That Carlos Valente complains of having listened since this action was known on his behalf and that he intends to suspend the traditional communist party due to a pandemic. One of the arguments of his lawyer, Pedro Trovão do Rosário, is that the government itself proposed restrictive measures that “are based on the protection of fundamental rights whose protection is imposed, such as the right to health.”

Businessman delivered precautionary measure to avoid the Avante Party

“Political activity is only one aspect” of the Party, defends the representative of the businessman and assures that what “essentially concerns the applicant” is “the realization of thirty-three thousand people per day and during three days of economic activities (namely , catering and beverages), sports, camps, music and culture and not the strict political activity for which the flow of people and behaviors are different from those associated with the activities described above ”.

The Health Minister said this week that she believes this measure “will not have any suspensive effect,” but that is not the plaintiff’s understanding. The intention is even to prevent the Communist Party from arguing that this can be achieved if the action is accepted by a judge.

The measure that is currently in the Central Civil Court of Lisbon is witnessed by José Poças, head of Infectious Diseases of the São Bernardo Hospital, in Setúbal, and also of the Order of Physicians. And in the text of the statement now released, the public health argument is the most used, even the lawyer even stating that “if the Festa do Avante were held, the contamination by the Covid 19 virus would surely increase, given the permanence in the same space and circulation even at the same time as thousands of people, spread the virus by air and manipulate or touch the same objects, which puts the physical integrity, health and lives of citizens at risk ”.

Yes, Carlos Valente believes through his representative, “clearly it is impractical to carry out events that bring together tens, hundreds or thousands (!) Of people, since this translates into an increase in the number of infections, many of them which can result in death. of citizens ”.

Article changed at 10:30 pm due to an error in one of the lawyer’s last names
