PR signed the Decree of State of Emergency “very limited and largely preventive”


After the Parliament approved on Friday the decree declaring a state of emergency in Portugal between November 9 and 23, the President of the Republic announced that he had already signed that decree.

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa emphasizes that we are facing a “Negative and very rapid evolution” of the pandemic, “which is important to contain, also learning from what, in various areas, has not gone well in the past.”

As I already announced, this is a state of emergency “very limited, without mandatory confinements and largely preventive, because it focuses on preventing the growth of the pandemic, while strengthening the response of health structures “.

This new state of emergency, as explained by the President of the Republic, “allows to expand screening, screening and contact with hundreds of thousands of fellow citizens, specifically, using our exceptional Armed and Security Forces.” It also provides legal coverage for “new measures, such as limiting circulation to certain hours and days in high-risk municipalities.” and calls for “greater coordination, preferably by agreement and always with fair compensation between the National Health Service and the private and social or cooperative sector. Marcelo refers to this November as an “essential test of our restraint, serenity and resistance” and called for a “collective effort” to “avoid an entire December aggravated and, with it, more drastic restrictions for all of us.” undesirable “.

Marcelo added that This new state of emergency will be reassessed at the end of November, “in its existence, its scope and its content, looking at the demands of the pandemic”. The president highlighted the “broad convergence” between the President of the Republic, the Assembly of the Republic, parties and social partners, noting that there was “a favorable majority of 84 percent and 94 percent who did not oppose” this new state of affairs. emergency.

In his speech, the president left a message of commitment and confidence: “commitment to accelerate investment in health and, in particular, its heroic professionals, and confidence in our ability to do everything together to mitigate the cost of the pandemic.” , in life and health, of Covid and non-Covid patients, all of them affected “.

“One thing is correct: The objective should be to try to guarantee to all of them the legitimate rights to life and health, a challenge that does not end this November, nor in December, nor very likely in the first months of 2021.”, Concluded the President of the Republic.
