POUS, Trotskyist party, was extinguished by the Constitutional Court | Constitutional court


The Socialist Party of Workers’ Unity (POUS), founded in 1976 by Carmelinda Pereira and Aires Rodrigues and one of the historic parties of the extreme left in Portugal, was extinguished by the Constitutional Court, after not standing in the elections since 2015 .

The decision to terminate the match, or to “withdraw the POUS from the Constitutional Court,” dated November 15 and was taken at a party conference, taken by videoconference, and confirmed by the Ratton Palace judges in ruling from 10 December, posted on your website.

Carmelinda Pereira, one of the founders, was for dozens of years the leader and face of the party in the campaigns and in the times of broadcasting, and in 2006, she even ran as a candidate for the presidential elections, even though she knew that only it had 2,200 of the 7,500 signatures required to formalize the application.

“I am not officially a candidate, but politically I am. I am a candidate for a socialist policy with all the workers who want to change the situation in our country, ”he said at the time.

POUS, “Portuguese section of the IV International”, of Trotsky’s followers, was founded two years after the Carnation Revolution, in 1976, after the departure of Carmelinda Pereira and Aires Rodrigues from the PS, and originated from the merger of two movements – the Movement for Socialist Unity and the Socialist Workers’ Organization, which have existed since the early 1970s.

The group of Carmelinda Pereira and Aires Rodrigues also participated in the 1976 PS congress, where they won 25% of the delegates, but the two were later expelled, in Parliament, having voted against the state budget of the first government of Mário Soares for being “Subordinate to the IMF’s impositions.

A “Trotskyist infiltration of the PS”, explained the Socialist secretariat in 1977, the year in which the two were formally expelled from the party.

In the reading of the former PS deputy and historian António Reis, it was a question of “a Trotskyist current, inserted in the PS, protected by the well-known tactic of“ entryism ”, and which in a short time held important positions in the party apparatus, thanks to a very devout anti-Stalinist militancy ”.

In 1994, he changed the name to Movement for Workers’ Unity and the initials to MUT, but five years later he asked the TC “to return to its old name and acronym,” according to the National Electoral Commission (CNE).

The best electoral result in the history of the POUS, in legislative terms, was in 1983, with 0.34% and 19,657 votes. Aires Rodrigues, one of the party’s founders, ran for president in 1980, Ramalho Eanes won, and obtained 12,745 votes (0.12%).

The last time he ran for the legislature, in 2011, he obtained 4,572 votes, that is, 0.08%. He never elected a deputy. In 2015, he did not run but rather supported Livre and in the 2019 elections he already ran.

In the European elections to which she ran in 2009, Carmelinda Pereira defended a “rupture [de Portugal] with the European Union, its treaties and institutions ”.

In 2017, in a testimony about the “women of April”, published on the BE Left.net website, Carmelinda Pereira recalled the times of struggle against the regime deposed on April 25 and said that it is still governed, politically, by the principles. from the Fourth International, Trotskyist, “knowing that the central question facing humanity is the resolution of the problem of the leadership of the working class.”

Despite being retired, she said three years ago that she was continuing her “militant action, focused mainly on the defense of public schools and union intervention.”
