Possibility of vague nova “é real” and must cause the same number of deaths


ANDm interview à agência Lusa, or lead specialist ECDC for resposta e operações de emergegência, Sergio Brusin, indicates that “or perigo [de uma segunda vaga] there is “e, embora” não seja possível to say with certainty that there will be “, é” muito provável que hapà © ce.

“We saw in previous situations, with others pandemics, we will register second lazy and we have to consider that this is a completely new virus “, argues or responsible, that he is two more experienced experts ECDC for this type of assortment.

Questioned by Lusa se, nessa second lazy, he will verify a lower number of cases or deaths, Sergio Brusin To this possibility, due to the specificity of novo coronavirus.

“I do not think that a mortality or a mobilization will show any type of move, hair that has become a second wandering, the numbers of deaths and people in intensive care will be more or less in the same proportion as we fear now, second or we get perceber “, sustains.

Second or specialist, “this disease is particularly deadly for people over two 75 years”, being also more serious for “people with other associated diseases such as cardiac complications and canker.”

I could, ainda, shave severely other litters of population.

“I was never completely: as pessoas mais velhas is particularly in risco, but all, in smaller percentages, podem ter serious doenças “, alert or specialist, falando em cases of crianças and babies with serious complications due to covid-19.

According to Sergio Brusin, that eventual second wander “will not go apanhar [os países] I have not been well prepared as it happened the first time “, given that” all of Europe is in a very good situation where it was fevereiro

“Or that it will change and that the health services will be very well prepared to receive weight, that there will not be so much lack of equipment for protection, that there will be capacity to test more quickly “, cast or responsible.

For isso, “we will be able to conter muito melhor”, acrescenta.

Sergio Brusin show-yourself, assim, “wisely otimistic“of which, eventually second wanderer, to Europe I show that” he knows exactly or what to do “, endorsing immediately measures such as social and physical distance and betting fast deteção e na vigilância two cases.

“It will be a great difficulty for the economy and for the patient of people [porque] We know that people weigh a lot like confinement, both economic and social thermos, and for what is the most time that they hold? confinement“, adianta or specialist.

To Europe and the region shaved the world peels pandemic, I tend to be ultrapassed as barreiras das 150 thousand deaths in thousands of cases.

To combat pandemic, the governments will send you milhões de pessoas for home, locked up or commerce não essencial e reduziram drastically or air traffic, paralyzing sectors interest in the economy.

“Até agora, a maioria das pessoas tem reagido quite positively,” concluded Sergio Brusin na interview à Lusa.

Sediated na Sweden, or ECDC It is an organism of the Europe Union that helps countries to prepare in response to surts of doenças.

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