“Portugueses não podem continue to pay in absence of BES” – O Jornal Economico


Rui Rio reagiu, this sixth-fair, to decision of the Governo and defends that o Novo Banco could not receive more loans to be feita uma audit.

A communiqué sent to the “Expresso” newspaper, or PSD leader, affirms that as it deserves “a clear reproach” and defends that “the Portuguese cannot continue to pay indefinitely if they do, hair less, a rigorous scrutiny às reasons that or determine ”.

A reação do PSD arises depois de António Costa ter revealed revealed disconcerting that o Ministério das Finanças has ordered more than one public loan not worth 850 milhões de euros ao Novo Banco.

Monthly audit, Novo Banco received more than 850 milhões de euros em apoios do Estado

O social-democratic leader questions in addition or de facto of o Governo not to be ter or careful “to adhere rigorously or dinheiro” that the lender to the State “é ou não devido”.

“A delivery of the most heavy tranche of dinheiro dos contribuintes ao Novo Banco, se que que mais uma vez, o Governo has attached the necessity of or fazer through a specific audit for ofeito, éa atitude that fears deserve nossa clear reproach, ”continued or communicated.
