Portuguese virologist says an increase in covid-19 cases was expected


Virologist Pedro Simas considered the increase in covid-19 cases expected, which this Saturday reached a record of 1,646 new infections, and insisted on compliance with protection regulations.

The specialist considered that, with hand hygiene and social distance, “the mask is the most important tool to control the spread” of the virus.

This Saturday, Portugal registered five more deaths related to covid-19 and a record number of 1,646 new cases of infection by the new coronavirus, according to the epidemiological bulletin of the General Directorate of Health (DGS).

Since the beginning of the pandemic in March, this is the highest number of cases of infection. The second largest record occurred on April 10, with 1,516, and the third most recent, this Friday, with 1,394 new cases.

In the opinion of the specialist Pedro Simas, “this is completely expected, the cause is completely known.”

“The cause of this increase is due to the increase in the movement of people, the return to active life, now it can be enhanced by the non-compliance or not of the rules, and that is what we have to measure and this is where we have to give the best”. , stressed.

Despite worrying about the known figures, he considers that this record “is not alarming”, when the Portuguese data is compared with what is happening in Europe.

“In this case, it is more widespread throughout Europe. There is nothing identified, what has been identified is the return to normal life,” he said, noting that in the second wave of covid-19 “there are no complications that were the first, because the countries prepared themselves ”.

Identifying that there may be a lag between the moment when a person knows that they are infected by the new coronavirus and a possible hospital stay, the virologist admits, however, that the situation could become “very complicated in two weeks”.

To avoid a complication of the national situation, Pedro Simas defended that it is necessary to “try to control the most complicated areas” and insisted on compliance with the regulations issued and widely disseminated by the DGS, such as the use of masks, hand hygiene and distance Social.

“As long as stricter measures are taken for the use of the mask, due to social or physical distance, which is the rule of ‘three months’, as long as these measures are applied, it is possible to control the spread of the virus”, highlighted Pedro If more. Also stressing that “it is very important that the Portuguese are aware that it is necessary to adhere to the regulations.”

The expert also pointed out that, “if this becomes too complicated, the mask is the most important tool to control the spread” of the virus, considering that it is “a matter of conscience, civil responsibility, citizenship to protect groups at risk. and the mask is the most important thing in this. “

The researcher stressed the need to “try everything to protect the groups at risk”, because if the infections happen “a certain number, it is impossible to protect the groups at risk, because there is so much virus that will be shed” for those who are more susceptible to disease.

However, he maintains that the country should not be confined again due to the “very large impact” that this measure has on people, especially health.

“What I know as a virologist is that we have to stick to the rules, and we have to tighten our network” of contacts, Pedro Simas stressed, showing that he hopes that “this number will go down”, and defending that it is necessary to “find equilibrium point “, so that the” breaking point “of the National Health Service is not exceeded.
