Portuguese consider it risky to travel in Portugal and abroad – Observer


The Portuguese consider that, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it is risky to travel for vacations, work trips or visit friends and family, in Portugal or abroad, according to a study published this Monday.

Carried out by the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu (IPV) and the University of Coimbra (UC), and according to data collected in the last three months, the study shows that the pandemic had “a strong impact” on the Portuguese’s perception of safety regarding traveling at home and abroad.

National residents agree that safety is a key factor in traveling and is even the most important attribute in choosing a destination, in global terms, but it is even more crucial when considering international travel, “the study concludes. which the Lusa agency had access to.

The responses (more than a thousand considered valid) obtained through an “online” questionnaire show that the Portuguese consider it risky “to travel for vacations, work trips, family trips or visits by friends and family within the country.” “These responses are even more expressive for the same trips abroad,” the study authors stress, adding that the Portuguese “consider that additional security measures at airports make travel safer in the country and abroad. Foreign”.

Security is considered one of the most important aspects to travel in all generations, the oldest being the one that reveals “a perception of greater travel risk”, both in national and international destinations.

This study, which covered the period from February 2 to May 2, is the first to analyze the effects of the pandemic on the perception of safety for traveling and practicing leisure and tourism activities, as well as fear and concern related to contagion and measures taken in Portugal. The team, made up of Carla Silva, José Luís Abrantes, Manuel Reis and Odete Paiva, from IPV, and Cláudia Seabra, from UC, tried to perceive the change of opinion over time.

The fear of traveling by national residents increased progressively with each period studied, as did the fear of contagion in personal and family terms, “the team concludes, adding that, at the time of the third State of Emergency,” however , the Portuguese felt that, being less risky to travel, especially within the country. “

“At the same time, the importance given to security has been increasing, reaching the highest values ​​in the last period, especially for international travel,” he adds.

If, at the beginning of the investigation, “traveling with the family was considered safe or very safe, especially in Portugal”, this perception “has decreased dramatically over time, as it has also reduced the difference between traveling in Portugal or abroad” .

The study also indicates that, due to the new coronavirus, those residing in Portugal feel very insecure to practice leisure and tourism activities.

The highlight is going to casinos or nightlife, which 80% of respondents indicate as very unsafe activities, “he emphasizes.

Between 60% and 80% of the respondents also classify visits to theme parks, galleries, museums and monuments, urban centers and historical centers, participation in concerts, festivals, sports or religious events, the practice of sports in closed spaces as very insecure, restaurant meals, hotel accommodation, participation in sightseeing and shopping in malls and markets.

“Going to beaches, rivers and lakes, on the other hand, is a less dangerous activity, according to study participants. Going to natural parks, hiking trails and practicing natural sports are the only activities considered relatively safe by the Portuguese in the context of the pandemic, “he says. Regarding fear and concern about contagion, the study shows that “85% of respondents feel that citizens and tourists can be victims of contagion and that this fear applies to themselves and their families.”

Despite this concern, the nervousness displayed is moderate, and he also mentions that they feel little or no need for additional information on protective measures regarding Covid-19, “he adds.

Half of the respondents to the questionnaire admitted “changing various aspects of their lives and daily routines due to illness, but with respect to vacation and travel plans, the percentage increases to 65%.”

Fears “are more pronounced in the older generation, and the generation between the ages of 40 and 65 has a greater need for additional information to protect themselves from contagion than younger generations.”

This study, which involves the Research Center in Digital IPV Services and the UC Study Center for Geography and Spatial Planning, is still ongoing and will allow, in the future, to investigate the impacts of Covid-19 not only in Portugal , but also in Portugal. Also in other regions of the world.
