Portuguese application STAYAWAY COVID: What to be afraid of?


The world is in the midst of a pandemic and solutions are urgently needed to help us prevent the new coronavirus. Technology can be of great help, especially in the rapid identification of chains of contagion, a process that currently takes a long time.

Apps are not a solution for COVID-19, but they can help control potential outbreaks. The Portuguese application STAYAWAY COVID is now available for Android and iOS and there are still many users who “fear” for their privacy. After all, we must be afraid of what … nothing!

Portuguese application STAYAWAY COVID: What to be afraid of?

Whoever questions the STAYAWAY COVID app on privacy grounds is a sign of pure ignorance. The application code is public and available on Github for anyone who wants to analyze it. You can also obtain here the decree-law that establishes the person responsible for the treatment and regulates the intervention of the doctor in the STAYAWAY COVID system.

Portuguese application STAYAWAY COVID: What to be afraid of?

The STAYAWAY application detects the physical proximity between smartphones and informs users that they have been in the same space as someone infected in the last 14 days with the new coronavirus. There are none infected ID record or smartphone information!

STAYAWAY COVID - How does it work?

To help us better understand how it works, we spoke with Francisco Maia, CEO of Keyruptive and one of those responsible for developing the application, who gave us an example of how everything works:

Let's take a practical example ...

Let's imagine that Pedro, Vítor and Francisco have the application installed and are going to have a coffee. Each of your phones will broadcast a random number every 10 minutes..

The other phones, which are listening, will record the numbers transmitted in their vicinity and also some data about the duration of the transmission and the strength of the signal they received. These numbers are deliberately large numbers, so the probability of two identical numbers spreading is very low.

Later, Francisco develops some symptoms and tests for COVID-19. If this test is positive, the doctor who validates the diagnosis provides Francisco with a 12-digit code. Francisco, if he wants, will insert this code in his application.

This, in turn, uses this code to deposit in a public repository the numbers (those that were generated at random) that Francisco issued in the last 14 days.

It is important to underline that all these steps are completely voluntary and that, even if Francisco is assigned a code, it will be Francisco who decides to share his numbers or not.

Throughout this process, neither the personal data of the users nor any type of location data is associated with the transmission of random numbers.. So Pedro and Vítor know that they had a risky contact, but they don't know where or with whom.

In summary…

  • STAYAWAY COVID app is safe
  • GPS information is not used
  • No contacts are identified, that is, the app labels are completely anonymous
  • There is no record of the app having a negative influence on battery life.
  • The application is a voluntary installation.
  • No registration required
  • The infected person can decide whether or not to alert other users.

To download…
