Portugal’s championship matches go to the morning schedule


Teams can also go home after 1pm next weekend.

The matches of the Portuguese Championship next weekend, the period in which the state of emergency decree is in force, will be played at 11 am on Saturday and Sunday, ending before 1 pm. Despite the established collection duty, the teams will be able to return to their territories and the players and technical teams to their homes after the time limit.

The Portuguese Football Federation (FPF) scheduled all the games scheduled for the weekend of November 14 and 15 at 11 a.m., given the restrictions imposed by the state of emergency, due to the covid-19 pandemic.

“For the knowledge of ordinary members, clubs, sports societies and other interested parties, we inform that the games scheduled, in all competitions, for the weekend of November 14 and 15, will begin at 11:00 am, keeping the date initially scheduled. “reads the FPF statement.

Among the measures that came into force this Monday are the mandatory night curfew during the week (between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m.) and on weekends starting at 1 p.m. in the 121 counties most at risk of becoming infected with the new coronavirus.

These 121 municipalities, which cover 70% of the resident population, include all the municipalities of the metropolitan areas of Lisbon and Porto.

This morning, the Minister of State and Presidency, Mariana Vieira da Silva, had confirmed the continuity of the competences, in an interview with Antena 1 radio: “Professional games, or similar to professionals, can happen, because they are professional activities and, therefore, in the field of professional activities that may exist “.

“In official contact with the Government, express agreement was given to the decisions that determined the non-holding of matches in the aforementioned periods,” stressed the FPF, admitting that “the clubs can change, by mutual agreement, the date and time of the matches – that is, for November 12, 13, 16 and 17 – subject to the approval of the FPF and until next November 11 “.

In the next two weekends, the two professional football competitions that will take place in Portugal, due to commitments of the national team and the third round of the Portuguese Cup, will be stopped, but matches of national and regional competitions of various modalities are scheduled, among them soccer.

On Saturday the 14th, the Portuguese soccer team receives France in a Group C match of the Nations League, scheduled for the Luz stadium in Lisbon.

Between November 20 and 22, in addition to the Portuguese Cup, the last race of the Moto GP season will take place at the Autódromo Internacional do Algarve, in Portimão.

Portugal represents at least 2,896 deaths associated with covid-19 in 179,324 confirmed cases of infection, according to the latest bulletin from the Directorate General of Health (DGS).
