Portugal with more than 88 deaths and 4,413 cases of covid-19. Largest drop in hospitalizations to date – Coronavirus


The number of people infected by covid-19 in Portugal increased by 4,413 to a total of 344,700, according to data revealed this Saturday, December 12 by the General Directorate of Health (DGS).

As for deaths related to the new coronavirus, they increased by 88 in the last 24 hours, after the absolute maximum reached yesterday (95), bringing the total number of deaths since the start of the pandemic to 5,461.

The number of hospitalizations, on the other hand, registered the greatest decrease in history, with 137 fewer people hospitalized, in a total of 3,093 patients.

The number of patients in intensive care has decreased, with 503 patients, four less than in the last bulletin.

Another positive data is that the number of patients recovered was 4,805 in the last 24 hours, increasing the total recovered to 268,453.

Thus, active cases, which are calculated by subtracting recovered patients and deaths from the total number of confirmed cases, decreased by 480, to 70,786 active infections.

Central region with the highest number of deaths to date

Most of the new reported cases are located in the North region, which adds another 2,078 new cases, bringing the total in the region to 180,456.

Lisbon and the Tagus Valley (LVT) now have 111,982 cases, 1,347 more than yesterday.

Of the remaining new cases, 738 were in the Center, 130 in the Alentejo, 62 in the Algarve, 31 in the Azores and 27 in Madeira.

As for deaths, the majority were registered in the North, with 38. They are followed by Lisbon and Vale do Tejo, with 26, while the Center, with 21, reached the highest figure in 24 hours. There were three deaths in the Alentejo. The Algarve, the Azores and Madeira did not register any deaths on the last day.

In accumulated terms, the North adds 2,616 deaths, Lisbon and Vale do Tejo add 1,889, the Center has 734, Alentejo 141, Algarve 58, Azores 20 and Madeira 3.

Also noteworthy is the first death of a teenager (10-19 years), which was the only age group that had not yet registered fatalities.

(News updated at 14:21)
