Portugal with a new state of emergency


The Assembly of the Republic approved the new State of Emergency in Portugal, proposed by the President of the Republic.

PS and PSD voted in favor of the draft presidential decree to extend the state of emergency, now until the 23rd, although the Social Democrats have criticized the government’s actions.

These positions of the two largest parliamentary groups – both in defense of the results of the measures taken to contain the covid-19, with the country in a state of emergency – were transmitted by the vice president of the socialist group, Constança Urbano de Sousa, and by the deputy. from PSD Mónica Quintela.

Constança Urbano de Sousa argued that the harsh measures adopted under the state of emergency “contributed to improving the indicators of the evolution of the epidemic, particularly the risk of disease transmission, which registers a downward trend” from the . .

“Although the data are more encouraging, the vaccine is closer and we have a vaccination plan from Thursday, make no mistake. The pandemic situation continues to be serious and now we cannot lower our guard and lose everything, because every day, unfortunately, people continue to die from this terrible virus, ”the former minister warned.

Constança Urbano de Sousa said that, “even if the European Medicines Agency authorizes an effective and safe vaccine this month, the vaccination process of an entire population or a large part of it is very complex, staggered and can never be carried out in a few weeks. or a few months ”.

“We will therefore continue to need security measures and restrict our contacts to what is strictly necessary, to overcome this pandemic. That is why we also need to renew the state of emergency, to allow the Government to maintain and adopt measures that help prevent the spread of the virus, save lives and at the same time not kill our economy, as other European countries are doing. What to do ”, stressed the vice president of the PS Parliamentary Group.

As for the PSD, Mónica Quintela said that her party, “with a sense of the State”, will maintain “a collaborative position, with the national interest as the first and last scope.”

“We are not guided by circumstantial convenience and taking advantage of the manifest and multiple failures that the Government has had, because this type of conduct, in the midst of a public calamity, is harmful to the interests of the Portuguese,” he stressed.

However, the deputy and lawyer from Coimbra immediately criticized the Government for having “spent the summer like a cicada, without bothering to prepare, as was their obligation, the second wave.”

“Just as we criticize the lack of coordination between the ministries of Social Security and Health and that has been the cause of the scourge that has been devastating the homes where so many elderly people reside. And it seems that I cannot silence the unacceptable lack of assistance of non-covid-19 patients in the National Health Service (SNS), ”said Mónica Quintela.

At this point, the Social Democratic deputy even warned that the current “urgent need to save lives is not compatible with giving in to the ideological prejudices of former and still government partners and requires recourse to the private and social sector, in conjunction with efforts with the SNS ”.

“Continuing with the constructive criticism, there is also a living reparation for the lack of the promised flu vaccines that the Minister of Health [Marta Temido] He affirmed that they would not be lacking and whose result is in sight. The Government was neither prudent nor prudent because it was more than obvious that, due to the pandemic, the vast majority of the population would need the vaccine, “he added.
