Portugal will receive between 50 and 60 children from Greece in the coming weeks.


The PS deputy, Isabel Santos, said this Saturday that in the coming weeks Portugal will receive between 50 and 60 unaccompanied children from the refugee camps on the Greek islands.

During a digital conference promoted by the PS, which brought together a group of socialist MEPs, to commemorate Europe Day, Isabel Santos was asked about the 5,000 unaccompanied children found in refugee camps on the Greek islands.

Luxembourg has already received a group of children, another group from Germany and the news we have is that in the next few weeks Portugal will receive between 50 and 60 children, which is very good and is a true sign that we should be proud.“revealed the PS MEP.

According to Isabel Santos, these unaccompanied children “they live in triple, quadruple refugee camps and, in many cases, up to five times more than the population that could accommodate

“These children live de facto in almost superhuman conditions and there is a project to relocate 1,600 children,” he recalled, saying that a group of 10 countries in the European Union offered to relocate these children.

Among these countries, said the socialist, “it is Portugal”, which was “in fact the first country to offer itself in response to the request made by Greece to the member states”.

European solidarity with the relocation mechanism has failed since its inception. Until recently, in April, the Court of Justice of the European Communities ruled against Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic for failing to comply with the mandatory relocation plan.“he lamented.

On April 28, the European Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson, revealed that Portugal would be the next member state of the European Union (EU) to host these unaccompanied minors.

At the end of a video conference of EU interior ministers, the commissioner indicated that one of the items on the agenda was the process of relocating migrants who are in reception camps on Greek territory, and then said that Portugal will be the Third voluntary country to receive unaccompanied minors.

The commissioner did not specify the number of refugees or the date of their arrival in Portugal.
