Portugal will receive 22 million doses of vaccines for covid-19


Portugal will receive 22 million doses of vaccines against covid-19, six million more than announced last Friday. The modern pharmaceutical company, which yesterday advanced with a request for emergency use, is one of them.

The North American pharmaceutical company Modern announced that it advanced, this Monday, with the request for emergency use of its vaccine for covid-19 in the United States and Europe. The laboratory revealed that the final results of clinical trials point to 94.1% effectiveness.

Moderna is one of the six companies with which Portugal signed an agreement to contract vaccines.

In total, the country will receive 22 million doses, the JN confirmed with the Ministry of Health. They are six million more than those announced last Friday by the Undersecretary of State and Health, António Sales.

The increase is due to the signing of agreements with two more pharmaceutical companies. The country has secured the purchase of vaccines from the pharmaceutical companies Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, Sanofi and Curevac.

According to information advanced by Sic, the Pfizer vaccine will be the first to arrive in the country and the next will come from Moderna. These are the most advanced processes, although they have not yet been authorized by the European Medicines Agency.

Staggered deliveries

The 22 million doses planned for the country will be delivered in stages. It will suffice to immunize the entire population with two doses (with an interval of about three to four weeks).

The demonstrated efficacy and safety of Moderna’s vaccine, which caused temporary side effects similar to flu symptoms, meets the US agency’s requirements for emergency use authorization even before the entire testing phase is completed. .

The European Medicines Agency has also expressed its willingness to authorize the use of the medicine.
