Portugal will receive 2.2 million additional doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine | Coronavirus


Portugal will receive an additional 2.2 million doses of the vaccine from Pfizer-BioNTech, the result of the acquisition by the European Commission of more than one hundred million doses from the pharmaceutical company. This information was confirmed to the PUBLIC by the Ministry of Health, who said that it was not yet possible to set a specific date for the arrival of these additional doses.

Ursula, President of the European Commission of the Leyen, announced this Tuesday on Twitter a new acquisition of vaccines, which began to be administered in the European Union on Sunday. “We decided to buy an additional 100 million doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, which is already being used to vaccinate citizens throughout the European Union. We will thus have 300 million doses of this vaccine, which was considered safe and effective. More vaccines will follow! ”Ursula von der Leyen wrote.

The delivery of 319,800 vaccines is scheduled for January, as confirmed by the Minister of Health, Marta Temido, during a visit to the Curry Cabral Hospital, in Lisbon, this Monday. “We estimate to have 79,950 deliveries in each of the four weeks in January. It is, in fact, a similar amount to what we received twice in December, ”explained the minister.

The first 9,750 doses of this vaccine arrived in Portugal on Saturday, and Portugal received a batch with more than 70,200 doses on Monday.

These new doses can serve to reinforce vaccination in residential structures for the elderly and long-term care units, which will start receiving vaccines from January.

The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, the first COVID-19 vaccine to receive regulatory approval, showed 95% effectiveness starting 28 days after the first dose, with no serious side effects, according to clinical trial results. The UK was the first Western country to approve the emergency use of this vaccine, and it was also a pioneer in the vaccination campaign.

The vaccination plan for covid-19 for the vaccine of these manufacturers foresees that the drug is taken in two doses. The interval between the first and the second injection should be 21 days, and in clinical trials of Pfizer-BioNTech the interval between doses ranged from 19 to 42 days. After receiving the first dose, the user must program the second, according to the doctor or nurse’s instructions.

The vaccine needs at least ten days to begin to create protections against the virus, it is essential that those vaccinated maintain distance measures and individual protection after inoculation.
