Portugal “will be prepared” for a possible second wave


The Secretary of State for Health guaranteed today that Portugal “will be prepared” for a possible second wave of the covid-19 disease, but warned that this “also depends on the social conscience and civic conscience of each one”.

“We do not have probabilistic values, but we have always said and reiterated that this will always be a possibility and, therefore, we must have a platform for preparing for this situation. We will be prepared We have preparedness plans in case this happens, but it also depends on the social conscience and the civic conscience of each one of us, ”said António Lacerda Sales.

The minister, who answered questions from journalists at the daily press conference on the state of the covid-19 pandemic in Portugal, appealed to the responsible behavior of the Portuguese, but also paraphrased the prime minister, António Costa, to say that “if it is necessary to take a step back, it will be taken”, with regard to contingency and confinement measures.

“If we maintain what we have had, this civic and social awareness, Portugal can evolve towards a return to a new normal life or a new normality (…). [O passo atrás pode ser] Finally, I will resume some of the measures that we already had in due proportion to the possibility of a second wave. If there is a second wave, it will also be dynamic, ”said António Lacerda Sales.

The Director General of Health was asked to comment on the fact that many parents of children are asking for close health contacts to administer the BCG vaccine to children.

In fact, studies and information have emerged that indicate, but indicate with a very slight degree of robustness, that the BCG vaccine may have some influence in relation to covid-19 disease. As this information is not solid, we have no reason to change the recommendations of the national vaccination program, ”said Graça Freitas.

Portugal represents 1,163 deaths associated with covid-19 in 27,913 confirmed cases of infection, according to the latest daily bulletin of the General Directorate of Health (DGS) on the pandemic.

In relation to the previous day, there are 19 more deaths (+ 1.7%) and 234 more cases of infection (+ 0.8%).

Of the infected people, 709 are hospitalized, 113 of whom are in intensive care units, and the number of cases recovered is 3,013.

Portugal entered a calamity situation on May 3 due to the pandemic, after three consecutive periods of emergency since March 19.
