Portugal should copy Spain and ask for COVID-19 tests at airports, experts argue | Coronavirus


The new state of emergency, in force since Monday, has not modified the tests and control of passengers entering the country by air or sea. Although the diploma contemplates the possibility of requiring proof of negative tests in covid-19 to anyone who arrives in the country, the truth is that, this week, there have been no changes in the tests and control of passengers.

Questioned by the PUBLIC, the Ministry of Internal Administration (MAI) confirmed that, for now, the measures of Office No. 10712-F / 2020 are being applied, prior to the state of emergency, which details the testing obligations to which refers. ministry, can be expanded if necessary. The Ministry of Infrastructure and Housing also tells the PUBLIC that “no changes are expected” in the test rules.

Upon arrival in Portugal, they only have to present proof of negative test to covid-19 – mandatory up to 72 hours before departure – those who travel from countries that are not members of the European Union or do not belong to the Schengen Area. Lisbon, Porto, Faro and Beja airports are equipped with infrared body temperature measurement equipment.

With the increase in cases and deaths in recent weeks, should the request for a negative test be extended? “I agree and agree since the summer with the increase in effective control, especially at airports and seaports, over passengers from destinations that have an uncontrolled pandemic situation. We know what those destinations are, because the European Center for Disease Control (ECDC) has this ‘traffic light’ with countries ”, explains to the PUBLIC Tiago Correia, specialist in International Health.

The “traffic light” referred to by the specialist will be, as of November 23, the guide that Spain will use to determine the requirement for a negative test test upon arrival in the country. According to this European public health institution, only Norway, Finland and Greece escape the high risk classification in Europe. This Wednesday, the Spanish Government announced greater restrictions on entry into the country, after an increase in new cases and deaths in the last two weeks, which even saw a new maximum of cases, with 25,595 infections in 24 hours.

“At least at this stage, when there is an outbreak of the pandemic across Europe, testing should be required of countries with an average number of cases that places them above this red line. I see resistance to this measure, because the aviation sector has come to a complete halt and because we know that we need tourism to reactivate certain economic sectors. But let’s look at the Czech Republic: it had very few cases and deaths in the summer and was in the green corridor of all European countries as a result. Curiously, or not, it was the first European country with uncontrolled transmission chains ”, explains Tiago Correia, defending the decision taken by Spain.

According to data from the Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF) delivered to the PUBLIC, 1,541 passengers who arrived in the country did not have a negative test for covid-19. Of this number, 75% agreed to test at the airport, and 384 people received a notification to be tested within 48 hours of arrival. In total, more than 54 thousand passengers were controlled on 525 flights.

“We need to have the proof [de teste negativo] to make sure we no longer have imported infections. At this point, it does not matter to be referring to incidence criteria, because, with two or three exceptions, there is a high risk [de transmissão] in all countries ”, considers António da Silva Graça, a doctor specializing in infectious diseases. The doctor warns of the possibility that people infected with the virus put passengers on the same plane at risk and can later transmit the virus at the destination.

The European Union works “slowly”

The Spanish decision, announced this Wednesday, was taken in a national context, without consulting the European entities and having listened to the countries affected by this reinforcement in the rules of access to the country. The former director general of Health and retired professor at the National School of Public Health Constantino Sakellarides believes that the need for Spain to decide on its own is due in part to the slowness of the European Union in coordinating a joint response on the border issue.

“I would not like to see the Government [português] act before others, because it makes communication more confusing. But here we have a second aspect, a fundamental problem. It is exasperating and is related to the slowness with which the European Union works: how is it possible, after eight months of pandemic, that the European Union has failed to agree with countries on border rules? It was good that there was an analysis of common risks, allowing equal criteria, which arose when borders were opened or closed or the conditions to keep them open. In the absence of this coordination, things happen within the strategies of the governments ”, laments the former Director General of Health.

For António da Silva Graça, the decision of the Spanish Government could support an eventual reinforcement of passenger control upon arrival in the country: “I think it should have been done a long time ago and we continue to resist taking this measure, even if there is a decision from Spain. in doing so. It was admitted that not wanting to adopt this measure had to do with not wanting to adopt a different position to that of the neighboring country or other countries of the European Union. What we are seeing is that these countries, by themselves, are taking these actions and our country is not doing so ”.
