Portugal registers more than 2,597 cases and 78 deaths from covid-19


Portugal registered, in the last 24 hours, more than 2,597 cases of infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus and 78 more died from Covid-19. These are the data from the latest epidemiological bulletin, released by the General Health Directorate (DGS) this Monday. With these figures, Portugal exceeded the barrier of five thousand deaths caused by covid-19. There are now 5,048 deaths caused by infection with the new coronavirus since the beginning of the pandemic.

According to the bulletin issued this Monday, there are 99 more hospitalized patients than on Sunday, making a total of 3,367 hospitalized patients now. There is one less patient in the intensive care unit, but they are still over 500: this Monday there are 513.

It is in the North region where the highest number of new cases is registered: 1,231, for a total of 170,952, since the beginning of the pandemic. It is followed by the Lisbon and Tagus Valley region (RLVT), with 917 new cases, for a total of 106,138. It is also in these regions where there are more deaths: there are 38 more in the North (a total of 2,431 since the beginning of the pandemic) and another 24 in the RLVT (a total of 1,751 since the beginning of the pandemic).

Since the start of the pandemic, Portugal has already registered 5,041 deaths and 325,071 cases of infection by the new coronavirus, with 74,187 active cases today, 269 less than on Sunday.

280_DGS_boletim_20201207 by TVI24 in Scribd

Health authorities have 77,498 contacts under surveillance, 78 more than on Sunday, the data shows, pointing to another 2,788 recovered patients. Since the beginning of the epidemic in Portugal in March, 245,843 people have recovered.

Of the 78 deaths registered in the last 24 hours, 38 occurred in the North region, 24 in the Lisbon and Vale do Tejo region, 14 in the Center region and two in Alentejo.

According to the DGS bulletin, the North region has the highest number of new SARS-CoV-2 infections in the last 24 hours (1,231), totaling 170,952 cases and 2,431 deaths since March.

In the Lisbon and Tagus Valley region, 917 new cases have been reported, with 106,138 cases of infection and 1,751 deaths so far.

In the Central region there were 292 more cases of covid-19, totaling 33,154 and 657 deaths since March.

In Alentejo, another 92 cases have been reported, a total of 6,950 cases and 127 deaths since the epidemic began in Portugal.

The Algarve region has reported 35 new cases today, totaling 5,714 cases and 55 deaths.

In the Autonomous Region of the Azores, 21 new cases were registered in the last 24 hours, totaling 1,192 detected infections and 18 deaths since the start of the pandemic.

Madeira registered nine new cases. Since March, the autonomous community has recorded 971 infections and two deaths.

Confirmed cases are distributed in all age groups, with the highest number of infections between 20 and 59 years.

The new coronavirus has already infected at least 143,026 men and 175,893 women in Portugal, according to DGS data, according to which there are 6,152 cases of unknown sex, which are under investigation, since these data are provided automatically.

Of the total deaths, 2,640 were men and 2,401 women.

The highest number of deaths is still concentrated in people over 80 years of age.

The country is in a state of emergency from November 9 to December 23, a period during which there is a mandatory curfew in the counties with the highest risk of contagion.

During the week, the curfew must be respected between 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m., while on weekends and holidays, circulation is limited between 1:00 p.m. on Saturday and 5:00 a.m. on Sunday, and between 13:00 on Sundays and 05:00 on Mondays.

The covid-19 pandemic caused at least 1,535,987 deaths derived from more than 67 million cases of infection worldwide, according to a report prepared by the French agency AFP.
