Portugal registers another 5,550 cases confirmed by Covid-19 and 52 deaths – O Jornal Economico


In the last 24 hours, the General Directorate of Health (DGS) confirmed another 5,550 confirmed cases in Portugal, raising the total number of positive diagnoses for Covid-19 to 166,900. This is a new maximum since the beginning of the pandemic in the national territory.

According to the epidemiological bulletin released this Friday, the death toll rises to 2,792 after confirming 52 more deaths: 25 in the North, eight in the Center, 13 in Lisbon and the Tagus Valley (LVT) and six in the Alentejo.

The DGS bulletin also indicates that, until midnight today, 2,301 more recovered cases were registered compared to the previous day, totaling 93,754 people free of Covid-19. Regarding the number of active cases, the public health agency registers 70,354 active cases, plus 3,197 compared to this Saturday, and 79,689 people are still under surveillance (12,247 more than yesterday).

The body directed by Graça Freitas also reports that 20 more people were registered in Intensive Care Units (ICU), bringing the total number of people in these units to 340. Regarding the number of hospitalizations, the DGS has 23 fewer, totaling 2,425 patients.

Today, the North region has the highest number of confirmed cases, with 3,006 new infections (a total of 78,461) registered in the last 24 hours, following the Lisbon and Vale do Tejo region, which accounted for more than 1,495 confirmed cases . (65,869).

The Central region has 676 new cases (15,045), while Alentejo has 194 (3,312) and the Algarve 156 (3,285).

Regarding deaths, of the total of 2,792 deaths, 1,248 were registered in the North, 349 in the Center, 1,090 in Lisbon and Vale do Tejo, 60 in the Alentejo, 29 in the Algarve, 15 in the Azores and one in Madeira .

There are currently 75,665 men and 91,235 women infected with the new coronavirus. In terms of deaths, the DGS has 1,432 men and 1,360 women.
