Portugal receives another 70,200 doses of vaccines before the end of the year


To the 9,750 doses of vaccines against covid-19 scheduled for the 26th, another 70,200 will be added two days later, announced the Minister of Health, Marta Temido, in a statement to the press.

Marta Temido said that in this way the health authorities will be able to allocate vaccines to the autonomous regions of Madeira and Azores and extend vaccination to health professionals as established.

The first professionals to receive the vaccine, from the 27th, are from the university hospital centers of Oporto, São João, Coimbra, North Lisbon and Lisbon Center.

The Health Minister reinforced the idea that it is an anticipation of the doses planned for the first quarter of 2021, so for now there are no indications that there are more doses than those planned at the end of that period.

The National Medicines Authority (Infarmed) today made available on its website an area with updated information on vaccines against covid-19.

According to Infarmed, this specific area appears after the approval by the European Medicines Agency and the European Commission of the Comirnaty vaccine, developed by the BioNTech and Pfizer laboratories.
