Portugal passes 250 thousand infections and has a record of active cases


The day the world doubled the 58 million positive cases of covid-19, there are 6379 more cases and 62 deaths in Portugal in the last 24 hours, reported the General Directorate of Health through the epidemiological bulletin.

The number of people hospitalized has decreased: now there are 3,025 less 54 than the day before. However, there is an increase in the number of patients in intensive care units: there are now 485, 4 more than in the previous 24 hours and a new maximum.

6,379 more people recovered, so there are now 82,767 active cases, 31 more than the day before, a total of 255,970 infected people.

The total number of deaths is now 3824, 1967 men and 1857 women.

The North remains ahead of transmissions and deaths in a regional distribution: it added 4,070 more cases and 24 deaths, totaling 132,272 cases and 1,783 deaths.

Lisbon and Vale do Tejo registered almost the same number of deaths, 23, although in the new broadcasts the distance is greater, with 1,534. The region now has 88,139 cases and 1401 deaths. The Central region registered 656 cases and 9 deaths, reaching 24,376 infections and 487 deaths. The Alentejo had 97 more cases and 5 deaths, in a total of 5057 cases and 94 deaths.
