Portugal may have a new “Anti-Covid” application


Another Anti-Covid app? After an intense debate on the STAYAWAY COVID app, Prime Minister António Costa took a step back and suspended the debate on the app. However, the matter is far from closed and alternatives to the application may even appear.

The PSD admits proposing a new mandatory “anti-covid” application, even if it costs the rights of some citizens.

COVID-19: Portugal may have a new application

With the pandemic with "symptoms" out of control in some countries, including Portugal, it is necessary to find solutions quickly and define strategies. Using “Anti-Covid” apps may be one of the solutions, at least in terms of breaking the chains of transmission.

Rui Rio had already said that his main objection to the StayAway Covid was its effectiveness, but Adão Silva, PSD parliamentary leader, goes further and does not exclude that it is the Social Democrats who propose the mandatory application that allows the monitoring of infections with another efficiency reveals the Express.

Recall that the PSD leader had complained on twitter that the application did not warn him since he had been close to an infected person (Lobo Xavier in the Council of State). In response, those responsible for the StayAway Covid application stated that the application does not work in the way indicated by Rui Rio.

PSD can propose a new application "Anti-Covid"

In an interview with Expresso, the The chairman of the PSD parliamentary group admitted that "an IT application", other than StayAway, as designed and articulated, "that is effective and capable of preventing and combating Covid" would be "a very serious matter" to consider.

I am hoping that the proposal can be made in the end [dos trabalhos na comissão parlamentar] be conciliatory between the constitutionally provided rights, freedoms and guarantees and, on the other hand, the practical effectiveness of the measure. And I say more: if to be effective we have to slightly decrease this protection, no problem. The most sacred thing about any person is life.

Adão Silva, PSD parliamentary leader

Regarding the StayAway app, you are not sure that much progress can be made.

COVID-19: Portugal may have a new application

After all, how does the STAYAWAY COVID app work?

Let's imagine that Pedro, Vítor and Francisco have the application installed and are going to have a coffee. Each of your phones will broadcast a random number every 10 minutes..

The other phones, which are listening, will record the numbers transmitted in their neighborhood and also some data about the duration of the transmission and the strength of the signal they received. These numbers are deliberately large numbers, so the probability of two identical numbers spreading is very low.

Later, Francisco develops some symptoms and tests for COVID-19. If this test is positive, the doctor who validates the diagnosis provides Francisco with a 12-digit code. Francisco, if you want, will insert this code in your application.

COVID-19: Portugal may have a new application

The latter, in turn, uses this code to deposit in a public repository the numbers (those that were generated at random) that Francisco issued in the last 14 days.

It is important to underline that all these steps are completely voluntary and that, even if Francisco was assigned a code, it will be Francisco who decides to share his numbers or not.

Throughout this process, neither the personal data of the users nor any type of location data are associated with the random numbers disseminated.. So Pedro and Vítor know that they had a risky contact, but they don't know where or with whom.

What is your opinion on a new app?

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