Portugal is close to peak of 7,000 daily covid-19 cases, experts warn – Coronavirus


Portugal is close to reaching the peak of cases of people infected by the new coronavirus, warns Manuel do Carmo Gomes. According to the professor of epidemiology at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, the peak of the second wave should be reached in late November or early December. At that time, Portugal is expected to register around 7 thousand daily cases of covid-19 infections.

The expert’s warning was made this Thursday morning during the Infarmed meeting in the presence of the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, Prime Minister António Costa, other members of the Government, parliamentary leaders and health experts.

Manuel do Carmo Gomes also asked that the restrictive measures be maintained for at least a month and a half, so that Portugal can lower the R (an indicator that measures how many people are infected, on average, by a single infected individual). Currently, this figure is 1.11 at the national level. In the opinion of the experts present at the Infarmed meeting, the latest restrictions adopted by the Executive are managing to halt the epidemiological evolution of SARS-Cov-2, albeit at a slow pace.

It was also reported that the origin of 81% of infected cases in Portugal is unknown. In cases where the chain of transmission can be identified, 60% of infections originate in a family context.

The infamous meetings resumed on Thursday after a two-month absence. The last meeting took place on September 7 in Porto

(News updated at 1:01 p.m.)
