Portugal has the lowest recovery rates in Europe because it has not counted recovery at home – Observer


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The Covid-19 bulletin published on Tuesday points to the largest increase in the number of cases recovered since this monitoring was carried out: there were 464, bringing the total to 3,013, but that does not prevent the country from having one of the rates lowest recovery rates in Europe. This Tuesday Portugal has an official recovery rate of 10.8%, substantially less than 66.9% in Spain or 48.5% in Italy.

The explanation for this substantial difference was given this Tuesday, at the daily press conference of the General Directorate of Health and the Ministry of Health, and, as Graça Freitas indicated, it is mainly due Lack of discharge records for Covid-19 patients who stayed home. Thus, the The problem seems to be in the order of statistical rather than sanitary treatment.

“A great majority of people, more than 80%, remained on an outpatient basis at home”, forwarded the general director of Health. And, for now, these cases have not been included in the count of the cured. “At this time, [o Ministério da Saúde está] develop methodologies for family and general practitioners, who have followed outpatients in their homes for weeks, to register [as altas] on a credible platform, “said Graça Freitas.

This was the explanation of the general director of Health, the day 224 more infections were announced (with a total of 27,913) and 19 deaths (totaling 1,163 deaths).

At the same press conference, the Secretary of State for Health, António Lacerda Sales, He did not mean if the Government is preparing to issue the quarantine obligation for those who come to the country from abroad.. Said measure was announced this Tuesday in Spain, and will come into effect as of this Friday, and all people who come to that country from abroad must remain in quarantine for 14 days. They can only go out to buy essential goods.

“We are in permanent contact with the Spanish government in order to articulate any measure or decision that may be taken and we will also do so with the countries of origin,” the Secretary of State replied, without mentioning what measures are being considered. For now, the border between Portugal and Spain is closed. opening only the exception for the transport of goods and merchandise.

More definitive was in relation to possibility for health workers to take vacations. After that right was suspended by order on March 15, and then taking into account the severity of the pandemic, the Secretary of State announced that this the measure was revoked this Tuesday.

“Health professionals can take their vacations again, provided that the normal operation of the service is taken into account, taking into account the need to maintain rapid response or an eventual increase in the incidence of Covid-19 in Portugal,” he reported. the Secretary of State.

As for the lack of definition, already ongoing in some sectors of the country, there are still some doubts. This is the specific case of the schools, since on May 18 there will be face-to-face classes for 11th and 12th grade students again. Given the existence of a FENPROF request for testing the entire school community Before going back to school, Graça Freitas said there will be exams “Analyzing situation by situation”But he admitted, without specifying what, “other situations will be resolved.”

The Director General of Health also answered a question about the possibility of BCG vaccine, against tuberculosis, will again be mandatory in the national vaccination plan. This question arises at a time when there are indications that this vaccine may be beneficial in fighting Covid-19, something that, however, has not yet been conclusively demonstrated. It is precisely this doubt that Graça Freitas points out. “If this information is not solid, we have no motivation to change the recommendations of the National Vaccination Program”, said. Therefore, the BCG vaccine will continue to be applied only to children belonging to groups at risk.
