Portugal exceeds five thousand deaths from covid-19. There are 2,597 more cases in 24 hours


There are another 2,597 cases and 78 more deaths from covid-19 in the last 24 hours in Portugal, according to data from the situation report of the General Directorate of Health (DGS) this Monday (December 8).

Since the beginning of the pandemic, 325 071 cases have been registered in Portugal and 5041 deaths.

There are also 99 more people hospitalized, now there are 3367, which represents a new high (it was not that high since November 30), but one less in intensive care units (513 in total).

Monday’s report also indicates that there are 2,788 more recovered in the last 24 hours (245,843 since the pandemic began), with 269 fewer active cases in total. There are currently 74,187 active cases in the country.

It is in the northern region where the numbers remain highest. There are more than 1231 cases and 38 deaths in 24 hours. It is followed by the Lisbon region and the Tagus Valley, with 917 more cases and 24 deaths. In the Center, there are 292 new cases and 14 deaths, while in Alentejo there are more than 92 infections and two deaths. In the Algarve there are 35 more cases, in the Azores there are 21 more and in Madeira another nine.
