Portugal exceeds 5,000 deaths since the start of the pandemic


Foreign Minister Augusto Santos Silva said today that the election of the future president of the United States of America (USA) “closes a four-year hiatus in relations between the US and the European Union (EU).”

“In a sense, the election of Joe Biden closes a four-year hiatus in US-EU relations. A parenthesis in which the EU has always seen the US as traditionally seen – as its closest ally, as another link in the transatlantic circuit, as its neighbor on the other side of the Atlantic – but the US, At least the US administration, They saw the EU, first of all, as an entity whose objective they defended – that is why they so enthusiastically defended ‘Brexit’ even before the elections – as a group of countries that were seen more as partners more small as allies, as an institution [UE] that, from the economic and commercial point of view, they must be treated as rival and confrontational. This parenthesis is now closed, ”stressed the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Augusto Santos Silva spoke to journalists after the Foreign Affairs Council, which brings together all those responsible for EU diplomacy, and one of the topics discussed was the transatlantic relationship.

Noting that the EU proposed two alternatives to Joe Biden for an EU-US summit. To be held early next year, or a meeting on the sidelines of a NATO summit, or a meeting during Biden’s trip to Europe elsewhere, Augusto Santos Silva stressed that what “is needed is that [a cimeira] he realizes “.

“It is very important that we take advantage of the moment when the United States says’ yes, we are going to return to the Paris Agreement ‘,’ yes, we are going to return to the World Health Organization ‘,’ yes, we want to lead multilateralism and multilateral organizations ‘,’ yes, we consider the EU as our closest allies ‘, and’ yes, we want to address the disagreements or disagreements that we have, and we have, in matters, for example, commercial and economic, as friends and not as opponents ” Santos Silva stressed.

Last Monday, the president of the European Council, Charles Michel, invited the president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden, to a face-to-face summit in the first half of 2021, during the Portuguese presidency of the European Union (EU).

At that time, European sources reported that “the President of the European Council invited the United States to a virtual and face-to-face summit in the first half of 2021”, then covering the Portuguese rotating leadership of the EU.
