Portugal exceeds 200,000 covid cases on a new record day and 69 more deaths


This Friday, Portugal exceeded 200 thousand cases of covid-19 since the beginning of the pandemic, registering the worst day in history in number of infections. There are 69 deaths, the third worst record in history.

Friday the 13th, with terrifying numbers of covid-19 in Portugal. A record of daily cases, for the second time in a week above 6,600 cases, and 69 more deaths, the third worst day in history, only surpassed by 82 on Wednesday and 78 on Thursday.

Nine months and a few days after the diagnosis of the first two infected by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, Portugal exceeded 200 thousand cases of the disease. And with force, registering a new daily maximum of 6653 infections, bringing the accumulated figure to 204664. That is, around 2% of the Portuguese population was infected with the new coronavirus.

With more than 70 registered deaths, 3,250 lives have now been lost to COVID-19 since the beginning of the year. In 13 days in November, the disease has already taken 743 Portuguese, about 23% of the total fatalities since the start of the pandemic. In October, 31 calendar days, 497 people died from causes associated with the disease.

Today, as in the nine accumulated months of the pandemic, the Northern Region (RN) is the most affected by the disease, having lost 32 more lives, to an accumulated of 1,491 deaths since March 16, when the covid- 19 took the first life. In Portugal. In percentage terms, deaths in the north represent almost 23% of the national total, practically one in four lives erased by the disease caused by the new coronavirus.

Since the beginning of the month, 677 people have been hospitalized

The situation in hospitals shows no signs of slowing down, and the number of hospitalized patients rises to 2,799 (five more than on Thursday), 388 of them in intensive care units (five more also). New highs in both cases, with more than 677 people hospitalized since the beginning of the month, 104 of which in ICU.

According to the DGS daily bulletin, issued this Friday, there are more than 2,891 active cases of covid-19 in Portugal, for a total of 84,032 people currently infected. The total number of contacts under surveillance amounts to 90,425, 750 more than on Thursday.

Of the 204,000 people who have already suffered the effects of covid-19, more than half have already recovered. The data for this Friday, with another 3,693 recovered in the last 24 hours, are now 117,382 people who have defeated the disease.

Black plague in the gray age

It is already common knowledge, and many officials publicize it widely, like a shrug, that COVID-19 is particularly fatal to the elderly. Friday’s figures confirm this trend, a true black plague among the grayer hair in the country: of the 69 fatalities, 43 (19 men and 24 women) were over 80 years old. More than forty long lives that represent 62% of the daily total.

In another gray and gray age group, that of 70-79 years, 15 more lives were lost (15 men and 10 women), while in the age group of recently retired (60-70 years), there were nine deaths (three men and six women). The daily total is completed with two fatalities over 50 and under 59, one of each sex.

The figures confirm, every day, the harmful effects of covid-19 among the elderly. A look at the nine months of the pandemic shows the impact of the new coronavirus among the oldest in the country: of the total of 3,250 registered deaths, two thirds (67%) were over 80 years old.

Adding to these figures the 644 deaths over 70 years of age, the percentage of deaths among the most advanced elderly people rises to 87% (2,832 lives among the 3,250 lost).

Figures that confirm a high fatality rate at the most advanced levels. With 16,037 cases, the 80-89 years represent 7.8% of all infections since the beginning of the pandemic, but 67% of deaths.

More than 60 thousand cases of covid-19 in the first 13 days of November

Of the 204,664 official records, around 63,000 were registered in the first 13 days of November, a record that is difficult to pin down, given that 7,497 cases were registered on the 4th, of which 3,570 were registered with a delay verified in the previous days. , Until October 30th.

The month of November is not half an hour and is already responsible for about 30% of all SARS-CoV-2 infections, registering five days with more than five thousand cases, with a maximum of 6653 this Friday and 6640 in the day 7.

Most of those infected are in the Northern Region (RN), which this Friday also registered a record number of 4061 cases, which is equivalent to 61% of the daily total of cases.

Accounts made, RN, the main gateway to the virus in March, this Friday exceeded the barrier of 100,000 cases since March 2. With an accumulation of 101,685 infections, half (49.7%) of the covid-19 registries have been concentrated since the start of the pandemic.

The Lisbon and Tagus Valley Region (RLVT), which added 1773 more infections, now accumulates a cumulative of 75014 infections since the beginning of the economy, which is equivalent to 36.7% of the national total. In the 13 days that it has been this November, RLVT has always registered figures above a thousand daily infections.

The Central Region, which registered a record number of cases on Thursday (749), added this Friday, according to the data registered until midnight on Thursday, when the figures collected by the General Directorate of Health close. , plus 626 infections, for a cumulative of 19,134 (9.3%) of the national total.

In the Alentejo, with 114 added cases, in one of the few days above one hundred infections a day, the accumulated number is already 3,855, since the start of the pandemic, while the Algarve, which registered 86 more positives, exceeded the 3800 mark.

In the islands, Madeira has already registered 614 infections (14 more than Thursday), while the Azores registered 19 positive tests, for a cumulative of 561 since the beginning of the pandemic.
