Portugal advances with serological tests at the end of the month


After António Costa stated that he intends to facilitate containment measures in May, Portugal will carry out serological tests for the detection of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2. These tests will make it possible to determine the degree of immunity of the population, although it is not yet known whether the disease can manifest itself more than once in patients. The Ricardo Jorge Institute will advance until the end of April with a sample of 1,700 people. “We will try to understand the first approximation of the state of immunity, from the youngest, including children, to the elderly,” Fernando de Almeida, president of the institute, told SIC. This situation is a starting point to understand more about covid-19. These tests are not diagnostic

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Andorra is also preparing to do the same. The Minister of Health of the Principality, Joan Martínez Benazet. However, he reiterated the importance of maintaining protective measures, calling for the correct use of masks, regular and careful hand hygiene, and social distance as containment strategies in view of the spread of SARS-CoV-2.

“These measures must be taken to the extreme and adopted as a habit,” said the minister, explaining that the selection and marking procedures are being finalized for the tests, something that can be done later on the Internet and by phone.

Text: Carla S. Rodrigues with Lusa

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