Porto Santo defends the suspension of the mandatory quarantine for those who arrive on the island


The municipality of Porto Santo transmitted to the vice-presidency of the Regional Government of Madeira some proposals for the gradual resumption of economic and tourist activity on Isla Dorada, including the suspension of the mandatory quarantine for those arriving in Porto Santo.

“Maintaining the scenario of no more cases of covid-19, we understand that the mandatory quarantine must be suspended for those who arrive in Porto Santo before the end of the month,” says Idalino Vasconcelos in a statement addressed to press today.

In addition to this measure, the mayor of Porto Santo says that he has proposed to the regional government the lifting of restrictions regarding the use of the Porto Santo beach, recreational fishing and the practice of outdoor sports, “safeguarding various measures of Health and security”. social distance, avoiding crowds of people “.

It also considers opening restaurants and bars to maintain the absence of cases of coronavirus infection.

Idalino Vasconcelos highlights that, although the priority of the municipality is “to contain the pandemic”, he considers it important “to create conditions to attract investment and for the stability of families and the recovery of our companies, our economy, in a sustainable and sustainable way” and , guarantees that for this purpose it has been “in permanent contact with the Regional Government of Madeira”.

“In the last two days, in particular, we have been articulating, closely and formally, with the Regional Government, that is, through the vice-presidency, to transmit the pulse and opinion of the City Council, considering that, as a result of the preventive measures adopted by the regional government of Madeira and the positive evolution of the RAM pandemic, good indicators have been registered and that in this scenario, several measures of lack of definition should be considered, “emphasizes the mayor.

“For us, health is crucial, but economic activity is also crucial, in particular, due to the unique characteristics of the island of Porto Santo, its dual island component, marked by strong seasonality that significantly reduces economic activity during certain periods of the year ”, he insists.
