Porto Moniz makes municipal residents available Online Care Portal


No endorsement is made of the qualification of two services provided to the municipalities, Câmara Municipal do Porto Moniz has made available, from the beginning of this week, an Online Service Portal that allows the municipalities to enter our camera services, of any requirement or request, sem We are afraid to go to or attend the Town Hall.

Emanuel Câmara, President of the Municipal Chamber, refers to betting on the modernization of two services from Autarquia. “We were preparing at some time to make this service more available to the municipalities of Porto Moniz, salientou or autarch, also referring to the fact that we have always been” bringing two municipalities closer to autarchy “, with the emergence or pandemic of the Covid-19 accelerated this process, managing to make available, in useful time, “a service that will reveal itself to be very important for all of you.”

When using the service, it requires an initial registration of the Online Care Portal, through the right https://portomoniz-atendimentonet-saas.ano.pt/ ou no portal do Município, em www.portomoniz.pt, through the separator “Atendimento on-line”.

At the same time that it offers the municipal authorities the possibility of submetering their non-time and local requirements that are most convenient, since they have access to the Internet, the Municipal Chamber alerts so that the population avoids unnecessary dislocations and respects the maximum or recommended social distance as a form of prevention of the spread of coronaviruses.
