Porto Chamber will give a discount voucher of two euros for every 20 euros in purchases


The Porto City Council wants to allocate a discount voucher of two euros for every 20 euros in purchases, up to 325 thousand euros, in participating establishments, as a way to encourage commercial activity “threatened” by the covid-19 pandemic.

In the proposal to which Lusa had access and which will be voted on at the meeting of the municipal Executive on Monday, the majority point out that the dynamism of the commercial fabric of the city is “threatened” by the health crisis caused by the 19-year pandemic. “consequent imposition of the exceptional measures approved by the Government”, “accounting for large losses in innumerable commercial establishments”.

Emphasizing that Christmas is one of the times of greatest consumption and income for merchants in the city, the majority understand that commercial establishments, seeing their activity interrupted, “demonstrate the need to benefit from complementary support, which can be based on that of a program to promote commercial activity with an open door to the street and a shop of up to 250m2 “.

In this sense, the majority intend that the amount, worth 35 thousand euros, destined to the assembly of the Christmas Tree, which this year was suspended due to the pandemic, be reassigned to this program.

It also proposes, as an incentive and dynamization measure for commercial activity, the creation of a discount program supported by the municipality that mitigates losses and is beneficial for the current and future development of its activities and the continuity of the respective businesses.

This measure will be valid, exclusively, in commercial establishments with a door open to the street and with a dimension that never exceeds 250 square meters and that want to become members, assuming the municipality an immediate discount of 2 euros on all purchases of equal value. at 20 euros and so on – in multiples of 20 euros and up to a maximum of 162,500 vouchers, for a total of 325,000 euros.

The support that will be granted also materializes in the development and dissemination of a communication campaign for street, local and traditional commerce and in particular this incentive program for commercial activity.

With this support for commercial activity in the city of Porto, it is expected to contribute to an increase in the flow of clients in the commercial sector of the city and thus contribute to face the difficult situation of economic crisis, caused by the COVID-19 disease. , that is to say at a time as important for Commerce as Christmas is ”, reads the proposal.

This support had already been announced by the mayor of Porto, the independent Rui Moreira, in the executive meeting of November 30, after the councilor of the PSD, Álvaro Almeida, defended the need to support other merchants and think about “equity “. in the city, during the discussion of the proposal to reduce the value of the rent by 50% in the commercial spaces managed by the municipal company Domus Social.

Asked again by Councilor Álvaro Almeida about whether the program included the restaurant sector, the mayor of Porto said that the support arises “as a Christmas campaign and does not include the restaurant sector.”

At that meeting, the executive unanimously approved a 50% reduction in the value of rents in commercial spaces managed by Domus Social, as well as support for economic and social activity with a reduction in tax benefits in 2021.
