Police Disperse Demonstration Against Unemployment In Luanda – Thousands Participated


The approximately 2,500 anti-strike protesters who today gathered near the Santana cemetery, in Luanda, to go to Largo 1º de Maio, were arrested before the march began by dozens of elements of the Rapid Intervention Police (PIR). with the support of canine pantyhose and cavalry units. But the objectives have been met, guarantee the organizers.


October 24, 2020 at 1:40 pm

The demonstration dissolved around 1:30 p.m., with the organizers admitting that they could not continue with their objective of reaching the destination that was programmed, the symbolic May 1, but they stressed that the objectives were met, which was to show the Executive João Lourenço the urgency of fighting unemployment and its harmful effects on Angolan society.

This demonstration was dissolved with dozens of tear gas grenades and the threat of the PIR, with the support of canine and cavalry brigades, which detain dozens of young people, including UNITA leader Nelito Ekuikui, party secretary in Luanda.

Despite being an initiative of civil society organizations, it had the support of UNITA.

To the New Journal, Nelito Ekuikui, who was detained for about two hours, stressed that the objective was achieved and that the relevance of UNITA’s support for this peaceful initiative of civil society was demonstrated.

The account of the events up to the moment of the final dilution of this manifestation can be reread here.
