Police detain 5 more people related to teacher’s beheading


meAmong the five people now detained are the parents of a student at Bois University. Alder, in ConflansSainteHonorine, around the capital of the country, where the victim worked. These people had a discussion with the teacher about the cartoons of Muhammad that the teacher had shown in class.

Three people from the unknown circle of the alleged offender were also arrested, according to the same source.

These five arrests are in addition to the other four that occurred in Evreux (Northwest), including a minor, from the suspect’s family circle.

The identity of the attacker, on which an identity document was found, was also confirmed by investigators, according to a judicial source, and he is a Russian. chechen 18 years old, born in Moscow, with no criminal record.

The French head of state considered, quoted by the agency France-Rush (AFP), that the murder of the history teacher is a “characteristic terrorist attack islaamonkey“however,” obscurantism will not win. “

“One of our compatriots was killed today because he taught […] the freedom to believe and not believe, ”Macron added, this time quoted by the Associated Press (AP).

The French president stressed that this attack cannot divide the country, since, in Macron’s opinion, this is the objective from the extremists: “We have to unite as citizens.”

The suspected suspect in the beheading of a man on the outskirts of Paris, France is said to have shouted ‘Allah’Akbar“(” God is great “in Arab) when the police shot him.

Police source, cited by AFP, explains that the victim was a history teacher, who will have exhibited cartoons of the prophet Muhammad during a course on freedom of expression.

According to a source investigating this homicide, the police are also interested in a photograph on the social network Twitter, through a user who, meanwhile, closed the account, of the victim’s decapitated head.

Authorities are trying to understand if this photograph was published by the alleged perpetrator of the murder or by someone else.

A AFP he realizes that the photograph accompanied a message addressed to the French president, Emmanuel Macron, nicknamed “the leader of the infidels.”

“I executed one of the hellhounds who dared to look down on Muhammad [o profeta Maomé]”would explain this message.

The murder took place around 5 pm local time (4 pm in Lisbon).

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