Planning Minister infected with Covid-19 five days after secretary of state tested positive: observer


Planning Minister Nelson de Souza is infected with Covid-19, the government confirmed in a statement. The governor had been in prophylactic isolation since last Saturday, after his secretary of state, Ricardo Pinheiro, was also diagnosed with the infection.

According to the statement sent by the Planning Ministry, the virus was identified by Secretary of State Ricardo Pinheiro on Saturday afternoon. After that result was known, “the Minister of Planning was subjected to tests, that same day at night, having obtained a negative result ”.

Despite this negative result, the Minister of Planning decided to stay in prophylactic isolation, adopting the full teleworking regime during the current week and abdicating any outside activity, ”the Government’s note also states.

“Yesterday [quarta-feira] at night, having shown mild symptoms of illness compatible with Covid-19, the Minister of Planning underwent a new test, which this time gave a positive result“, Highlights the ministry, adding that Nelson de Souza will remain” in isolation due to illness, according to prescription and procedures determined by the General Directorate of Health. “

According to a news item published this Wednesday by Correio da Manhã, Ricardo Pinheiro carried out the Covid-19 test in Elvas, since last weekend he was at the family residence in Campo Maior, celebrating the woman’s birthday.

According to clarifications provided by the ministry to that newspaper, Ricardo Pinheiro did not violate current regulations. When he traveled from Lisbon to Campo Maior he did not have “any health symptoms“. It was only when he presented symptoms on Saturday that he was tested in Elvas, and the result was known during the afternoon of that day. After this result, its pilot was also tested, and it was also positive.

The Secretary of State “is not aware of having had any risk contact, he does not know the origin of the contagion,” the Ministry also said. “For this reason, he did not contradict any current health measure, remaining isolated at home since he returned from the health institution where the test was done. Asymptomatic and performing his functions from the residence.“The Government added.

The Correio da Manhã news reported that the government official was seen in cafes and other public places in Campo Maior – who was mayor before his election as a deputy in 2019 – on Friday and Saturday.
