PJ breaks up violent group that committed car thefts and robberies in Gaia


The Oporto Judicial Police detained three people between 21 and 25 years old, suspected of having stolen vehicles by car theft method in recent weeks, as well as a tobacco dealer and a jeweler. They go to court this Tuesday.

The individuals, classified as very violent, perpetrated four armed robberies between November 25 and December 7.

“During the period in question, the three suspects now detained committed two car thefts, during the night, which were used to rob a vehicle for the transport and distribution of tobacco and a jewelry store, both of which occurred in the Gaia district.” , you need the Judicial Police, who arrested the trio in collaboration with the PSP.

One of the stolen vehicles was set on fire, with the consequent total destruction, after being used in one of the robberies. The second car stolen for auto theft was recovered.

On Monday, nine house raids were carried out at the residences of the suspects and relatives, obtaining relevant evidence of their participation in the investigated events, namely, the recovery of objects, goods and values ​​from the thefts carried out in the vehicle for the transport and distribution of tobacco and jewelry establishment, adds the PJ.

The three detainees were part of a group of six, responsible for two dozen robberies. Three operatives of the group had already been arrested in the summer of this year, after an assault on a taxi driver and a student.
