PJ already identified YouTuber who “infiltrated” Zoom in online classes


Zoom in again? Yes, but it is not the platform’s fault. Due to COVID-19, online classes didn’t start there very well! Not because the platforms have presented any weaknesses or failures, but because a youtuber decided to try to show it.

The youtuber obtained access codes for online classes and “infiltrated” them. Many of the classes were eventually canceled. In a statement, the Judicial Police say that it has already identified the author of the “joke” who could be considered criminally and civilly responsible.

PJ already identifies YouTuber who

YouTuber had passwords for Zoom sessions

The Judicial Police, through the National Unit to Combat Cybercrime and Technological Crime - UNC3T, in close coordination with the Ministry of Education, proceeded to identify a 20-year-old man who, using credentials to access the rooms The classes online (with zoom), acts practiced this week were introduced in them, with the sole purpose of altering their normal functioning.

According to the PJ, this fact, quickly informed by the Ministry of Education, allowed the identification and location of the author of said events, an individual who was not part of the classes, whose classes were interrupted, assuming that his behavior was improper and, therefore, Therefore, it offered to delete all the content that was announced on the Internet.

On his own initiative, he also deleted all his accounts on social networks, which were the basis of this illegal activity and for which he could be considered criminally and civilly responsible.

Remember that Fenprof demanded that the Ministry of Education guarantee, "with great urgency, the safe use of online meeting platforms or, present alternatives to their use, so that teachers and students can carry out their work with a minimum of tranquility."

Zoom is one of the most popular platforms for video conferencing. In the past month, the number of reported security issues has been very high, but there are also issues that go beyond the platform itself (and aren't really Zoom related).

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