Pinto Luz says that the alliances with Chega were debated and asks the PSD not to spread the PS speech | PSD


Former PSD candidate Miguel Pinto Luz defended on Monday that the policy of alliances with Chega was the subject of the internal campaign in January and asked that the “opposition speech” not be disseminated.

Asked by Lusa about the proposal launched by former minister Jorge Moreira da Silva for an extraordinary congress in PSD to clarify the strategy of “coalitions and understandings” after the agreement with Chega to make possible a government solution in the Azores, the vice president of the The Cascais Chamber defended that, in the January direct, both he and the party president, Rui Rio, were clear on this issue.

“I remind the most distracted that in the last elections the issue of possible alliances with Chega was discussed, no one can accuse dr. Rui Rio for not being clear enough on this matter. It was clear. Rui Rio was clear, ”he said.

Pinto Luz also considered that congresses and elections “will be all the more in demand the more the PS shows signs of electoral degradation.”

“It is a pity that, at the time when the PSD was in opposition for a long time, no one had come to discuss these and other issues. Let’s be honest, what bothers many who have now woken up to this discussion is that Rui Rio is today closer to continuing to lead the PSD and that shuffles the calendar of many, “he said.

Without referring directly to Moreira da Silva, Pinto Luz said he regretted seeing colleagues whom he respects to “internalize and spread the opponent’s speech.”

“We are in an hour of enormous responsibility for the PSD in the Azores, we inherited a region with a serious financial and social crisis in a context aggravated by the pandemic. Let us leave party politics and support José Manuel Bolieiro in the difficult task that awaits us for the good of all Azoreans ”, he considered.

The mayor highlights that he was “the first in the PSD to take a public, clear and objective position on the politics of alliances in the center right.”

“I did it in a context of abstract and strategic thinking for my in-laws. We are currently experiencing a concrete and decisive situation for the future of the Azoreans and any attempt to raise or share the leading role, with whom in fact they must decide, is an exercise of veto or vanity that does not interest me ”, he added.

In January, when he was a candidate for the PSD leadership, Miguel Pinto Luz admitted willingness to form alliances with any party represented in Parliament, when asked about the possibility of future coalitions with Chega.

“My red lines are clear, they are the values ​​of the PSD and the leadership of any alliance by the PSD, being our agenda, that is what our red lines are,” he said.

The then candidate considered that it makes no sense for the Prime Minister and leader of the PS, António Costa, to make alliances with the “radical left” and for the PSD to be “self-limiting” in its capacity for dialogue in the center-right.

“Do not count on me to further reduce the PSD and the PSD’s capabilities to speak and unite various political forces around a reformist project for Portugal,” he stressed.

Today, in an article in the PÚBLICO newspaper, the former vice president of PSD Jorge Moreira da Silva defended an extraordinary congress to clarify the strategy of “coalitions and understandings” and attacked the “betrayal” of the party’s values ​​for the governmental solution in the Azores, with Enough.

“No agreements are made with xenophobic, racist, extremist and populist parties. With parties that, out of ignorance or moral perversity, propagate proposals incompatible with human dignity. Ponto! “Wrote the former Minister of the Environment, considering that this type of agreement means a” radical change in the ideological and programmatic positioning “of the party.

In the text, Moreira da Silva considered “necessary to hold an extraordinary PSD congress to define”, before the next municipal and legislative elections, a “policy of coalitions and understandings”, which he describes as “essential” to “clarify this identity issue , not the PSD, but your current address ”.

The national congress usually meets every two years. [Fevereiro de 2022] and, in extraordinary session, at the request of the national council or 2,500 activists.
