Pinto da Costa and the possible ban on the public in stadiums: ″ it doesn’t surprise me ″


António Barroso


The president of FC Porto reacts, in an interview with Expresso, to the possible decision of the Government to keep fans away from the stadiums.

Speaking to the online edition of Expresso, the president of FC Porto assures that he is not surprised by the eventual decision of the Government to keep, until mid-May – according to news from the newspaper itself – the public away from the stands of the Liga NOS. stadiums.

“I am not surprised, because this has been in line with the government’s behavior in relation to the life of the clubs,” said Pinto da Costa.

“The clubs are suffocating with taxes, with lawsuits, with revenue collection. And, in our case, with not paying what they owe us last year, which are millions of VAT refunds,” said the Porto official, remembering that the club has been waiting several months for the VAT refund, claiming three million euros.
