Pilot melts his drone and gets a brutal image of lava from the volcano in Iceland


In the age of drones and other fantastic machines available in the hands of people, the challenge of filming the activity of a volcano becomes almost an obsession. So, as we have seen, incredible images of the volcano have been achieved in the southwest of Iceland, on the Reykjanes peninsula. A photographer wanted to achieve something that had never been done before and flew his drone towards the volcano capturing the moment when the lava melts the machine.

Garðar Ólafs wanted to capture as close as the conditions allowed and the images are truly impressive.

Image of erupting volcano in Iceland expelling lava and drone films everything

Filming the bowels of the volcano with a drone

A drone pilot recently captured some extraordinary footage when looking directly at an erupting volcano in Iceland. As we can see, photographer Garðar Ólafs flew his camera so close to the heat that the lava when it was ejected caused damage to the drone. However, it was only when the drone reached its starting point that the photographer noticed that the machine was partially melted.

The video below features some of the stunning images and audio of an eruption that is occurring near a flat mountain called Fagradalsfjall, about 15 miles southwest of Iceland's capital Reykjavik. The sound that the volcano makes is impressive.

Ólafs was fortunate not to lose his DJI drone entirely and the images he made made the risky flight worthwhile.

I was flying my drone around the eruption and decided it would be cool to see it from above. I slowly lowered the drone until all I could see was erupting lava, and when I looked up, I no longer saw the drone. Basically, it was inside the crater of the volcano.

Ólafur explains to PetaPixel.

Close to losing the drone

Realizing that the drone might not last much longer if it remained in that position, Ólafs quickly flew out of harm's way and returned to its launch point.

As the images show, when inspecting the machine after the flight, the Icelandic resident, who sells the images and images of his drone through his own website, said the heat from the volcano melted the light on the underside of the drone. and it also damaged its obstacle. prevention sensors.

With these damages, the drone has stopped flying in good condition, the sensors are damaged and the navigation system constantly gives error alerts during flights.

Ólafs, who lives near the volcano in the Reykjanes region, felt compelled to fly his drone over the eruption to capture some dramatic images of the extraordinary natural wonder.

It is a special feeling to have an erupting volcano 15 minutes from my house.

Reykjanes has always been an underrated part of Iceland, but today it is probably the best known part, curious how things can change overnight.

He wrote Ólafs in a message on his Instagram account.

So with the ease with which we capture images today, there is a little bit of everything about this event, from smartphones, professional cameras, and drones. Therefore, surely nothing will remain undocumented.

Fantastic images of the volcano.
