Pilgrimage without pilgrims. The best images of the historic May 13 at the Sanctuary of Fatima – Observer


The Covid-19 pandemic forced the Sanctuary of Fatima to make an unprecedented decision: for the first time in history, the celebrations of May 12 and 13 were held behind closed doors. The candlelight procession was maintained, as well as the farewell procession and all the usual rites of these great days of the sanctuary, but everything was done without pilgrims, who were represented by a group of guests selected by the sanctuary.

Fatima was a “dark desert” in an empty sanctuary, on a candleless night without light.

Although most of the celebrations followed the traditional ritual of the Sanctuary of Fatima, the empty room gave rise to very different images from the usual ones: on the night of the candlelight procession, the room was a dark desert, lit by a few hundred candles that the sanctuary arranged on the floor; In the farewell procession, the centennial sculpture of Nossa Senhora de Fátima was not surrounded by thousands of white handkerchiefs, but by a vast blanket of empty asphalt.

One hundred years ago, during a pandemic, the Virgin of Fatima was sculpted. Now another has prevented the farewell procession

See the best photos of the Observer, from the two days of celebration, in the photo gallery above.
