Physical education with only three meters between students


Masks for students and teachers will be mandatory when entering and leaving the place where the classes will be held, but not during physical exercise. Education favors individual sport.

The Ministry of Education and the General Directorate of Health released this Tuesday afternoon – the day the teachers attended the service in schools – the guidelines for the discipline of Physical Education.

The rule, he says, is a distance of “at least” three meters between each student, during Physical Education classesand the option of “perform individual tasks, respecting the recommended physical distance“.

Classes, authorities say, should be held outdoors whenever possible and, if a coeducational system is enacted (partly at school and partly via the internet), this discipline should continue in person.

Many of the recommendations issued by the office of Tiago Brandão Rodrigues are common to other activities: Frequent washing and disinfection of hands and material used, the creation of access circuits to avoid the crossing of people, the reorganization of the teaching material to maximize the distance between students or the marking of the ground to ensure that distance or ventilation of the students. closed spaces.

Specifically for Physical Education, classes should be taught to “small groups”, without quantifying them, and in a way adjusted to the available space, “valuing the use of reduced and conditioned forms of play, depending on the purposes and context of learning”. Preferably, classes should be taught “in a loop”, with working groups passing through several stations.

Regarding the material, Equipment such as balls, rackets, shuttlecocks, or portable gymnastics should be disinfected at the beginning of the day and before and after each use..

Teachers must identify students who have experienced the greatest difficulties in distance education and “minimize the effects that confinement may have had.” They should also empower students, including through the use of apps.

The Ministry of Education and the DGS also make some pedagogical considerations, for example by recommending that the learning objectives be adjusted to the size and type of sports spaces, the number of students per class and the number of classes that take classes. at the same time and existing material resources.

The orientation comes a day after Filinto Lima, president of the association of school directors ANDAEP, said that it is urgent to define the operating rules of the discipline.
