Pfizer vaccine. SPAIC issues clarifications on allergic reactions


A The European Medicines Agency (EMA) approved this Monday the use of Pfizer-BionNTech against a COVID-19-19, considering it safe and effective to combat the disease.

Following some cases of reactions allergic to the vaccine, the Portuguese Society of Allergology me Immunology Clinic (SPAIC) makes a clarification based “on knowledge Current, the information available from EMA and FDA about the Pfizer vaccineBioNTech by the virus SARSCoV-2, and following the recommendations of the Drug Regulatory Agencies of the United Kingdom and the United States of America ”, they affirm in a statement.

1) “As reactions people allergic to vaccines on the national vaccination schedule are rare. TO reactions more serious (reactions anaphylactic) occur in less than 1/100 000 individuals “.

2) “According to the available information, reactions allergic to Pfizer-BioNTech for the COVID-19-19, there will also be rare events ”.

3) “Despite the clinical information available on the cases in which reactions suspected allergies to Pfizer-BioNTech for the COVID-19-19 is still very limited, it is not assumed that there is an increased risk of adverse effects to the vaccine in asthmatic patients, with rhinitis allergic or eczema “.

4) “We propose that: 1) the Pfizer-BioNTech for the COVID-19-19 is not administered to patients with a history of reactions severe allergies to vaccines, and that 2) the risk-benefit ratio is assessed using a Immunoalergologist us cases of anaphylaxis before medication, food, latex, poison hymenoptera and even in cases of anaphylaxis idiopathic, syndromes activation mastocitária me immunodeficiencies primary “.

5) “Vaccines for SARSCoV-2 They should only be administered in Health Units where there are properly trained professionals and adequate means for the treatment of eventual reactions allergic. A surveillance period must be observed.ncia 30 after the administration of the vaccine “.

6) “The Immunoalergologists are available to screen all patients with reactions severe allergies to vaccines for SARSCoV-2 which may be available in Portugal, at consonantancia with the Clinical Guidance Standard 004/2012 of Direction General health ”Anaphylaxis: record and reference ‘, updated on 12/18/2014 “.

7) “For his experience in the diagnosis, treatment and counseling of patients with allergic disease, SPAIC presents its willingness to collaborate and provide consultant scientist for Direction General health, Infamous, to the Coordinators of the “Vaccination Plan Against COVID-19-19 “and the other national health authorities”.

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